Menstruation Troubles

Menstruation is a healthy experience of a woman’s life, and it must come
habitually every 28 days, for a period of 3-4 days without coagulating, and
the blood loss should correspond to about a quarter of a cup. For a
woman, menstrual cycle is a virtuous indicator of her overall wellbeing.
Some women get irregular periods that appear at longer intervals, an
unpredictable discrepancy in the duration of the cycle and the normal
twenty-eight day cycle is missing. Some women have very insignificant
problems with menstrual cycles, while others experience a monthly
Irregular menses is typical in early puberty and not generally perturbing.
Women should be alarmed when periods are spaced out for more than two
months, as this may suggest hormonal imbalance and ovulation problems.
A woman’s customary hormonal cycle is contingent upon a subtle
equilibrium between different hormones. Several potential triggers can
stimulate hormonal imbalance leading to irregular menses. If a woman
fails to ovulate, her ovaries will not receive a signal to produce a hormone
called progesterone. Progesterone is essential in regulating the Uterine
lining called  endometrium , which is discarded during menstruation.
Without progesterone, the endometrium persistently grows until it starts to
break down and is disposed off as a very heavy uterine bleeding. The
endometrium may also shed partially and intermittently,
and  bleeding becomes irregular or prolonged.

Here are a few homeopathic forms of treatment for menstrual problems:
1. Sepia: Sepia can be used to treat late menstruation as well as scanty
blood flow. It is also helpful is the period is accompanied by pain and a
sense of weight in the pelvic area and lower back. This can also be used to
treat irritability and depression.
2. Pulsatilla: Pulsatilla is helpful in cases where menstrual bleeding causes
substantial weight fluctuations,  bloating  and water retention. It can also be
used to treat irregular periods and scanty or excess blood flow. Pulsatilla is
also used as a form of treatment for the severe griping pains that can
accompany menstrual flow.
3. Cimicifuga: This is used to treat irregular periods and painful periods. It
also treats mental unrest, nervousness and irritability triggered by
4. Lycopodium: In some cases, delayed menses can last longer than normal
and have an abnormally heavy blood flow. In such cases, lycopodium is an
effective homeopathic remedy.

5. Belladonna: Excessive menstrual bleeding and early menses can be
treated with belladonna. This type of menses is also accompanied by
intense  pain that is relieved by standing and cramps in the back and arms.
Belladonna is also extremely useful in acute cases of endometriosis and
inflammation of the ovaries.
6. Creosote: Excessive blood flow that is intermittent and preceded by
abdominal bloating can be treated using Creosote. This blood flow is
usually dark brown in colour and accompanied by an offensive odor.
Creosote can also be used against ulcerations in the female genital organs,
burning pain and soreness.
7. Helonias: Pain extending from the back of the uterus and loss of muscle
strength in the genital organs can be treated with helonias. It can also be
used to treat leucorrhoea or dark, offensive vaginal discharge as well as
displacement of the uterus.
When prescribing medication for a menstrual problem, a homeopathic
doctor not only looks at the symptoms presented but also the personality
and lifestyle of the patient. Hence what suits one person may not have the
same effect on another. Hence, if you are facing a menstrual problem, it is
best to consult a doctor at the earliest.

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