Zincum metallicum Inability to develop or hold out the rash in eruptive diseases, can't expectorate or menstruate, is > if can. Cannot take ...
Viburnum opulus Is a remedy of undoubted value in painful womb troubles. It has been used for painful dysmenorrhea in different potencies to the 30th, and in ...
Veratrum viride A narrow, well developed red streak right through the middle of the tongue. Intense fever, with twitching and tendency to spasms. ...
Veratrum album Collapse, with general coldness and cold sweat, especially on forehead; hippocratic face. Mania, with desire to cut and tear things, ...
Tuberculinum bovinum Cosmopolitan; never satisfied to remain in one place long; wants to travel. Wandering pains in limbs and joints; stiff when beginning to ...
Thuja occidentals Hahnemann's chief anti-sycotic. Proliferations or pathological vegetations: condylomata, polypi, warts, sycotic excrescences, etc. Bad ...
Theridion curassavicum Vertigo, with nausea, on closing the eyes, or the least noise. Over-sensitiveness of nerves; scratching on linen or silk, or crackling ...
Terebinthina Burning and smarting on passing urine; urine red, brown, black or SMOKY in appearance. Tongue smooth, glossy, red, with excessive tympanites ...
Tellurium With this remedy I have had the pleasure of curing several cases of otorrhoea of long standing, generally following scarlatina in childhood. I used ...
Tarentula hispanica This spider poison has like other spider poisons very positive nervous symptoms. It acts upon the uterus and ovaries, and upon the female ...
Tarentula cubensis Or the hairy spider. It is one of the most efficacious remedies for boils, abscesses, felons, or swellings of any kind, where the tissues ...
Sulphuricum acidum Extreme weakness, with sense of INTERNAL trembling, which is not observable to others. Haemorrhages from every outlet of the body, ...