ORGANON APHORISM §286 The dynamic force of mineral magnets, electricity and galvanism act no less powerfully upon our life principle and they are not less ...
ORGANON APHORISM §273 In no case under treatment is it necessary and THEREFORE NOT PERMISSIBLE to administer to a patient more than ONE SINGLE, SIMPLE ...
ORGANON APHORISM §266 Substances belonging to the animal and vegetable kingdom possess their medicinal qualities most perfectly in their raw state. ORGANON ...
ORGANON APHORISM §259 Considering the minuteness of the doses necessary and proper in homeopathic treatment, we can easily understand that during the treatment ...
ORGANON APHORISM §253 Among the signs that, in all diseases, especially in such as are of an acute nature, inform us of a slight commencement of amelioration ...
ORGANON APHORISM §236 The most appropriate and efficacious time for administering the medicine in these cases is immediately or very soon after the termination ...
ORGANON APHORISM §231 The INTERMITTENT DISEASES deserve a special consideration, as well those that recur at certain periods—like the great number of ...
ORGANON APHORISM §210 Of psoric origin are almost all those diseases that I have above termed one-sided, which appear to be more difficult to cure in ...
ORGANON APHORISM §204 If we deduct all chronic affections, ailments and diseases that depend on a persistent unhealthy mode of living (§ 77), as also those ...
ORGANON APHORISM §196 It might, indeed, seem as though the cure of such diseases would be hastened by employing the medicinal substance which is known to be ...
ORGANON APHORISM §185 Among the one-sided diseases an important place is occupied by the so-called LOCAL MALADIES, by which term is signified those changes and ...
ORGANON APHORISM §172 A similar DIFFICULTY in the way of the cure occurs FROM THE SYMPTOMS OF THE DISEASE BEING TOO FEW—a circumstance that deserves our ...