Veratrum album WHITE HELLEBORE. The root of the plant is used in medicine. It may be prepared by trituration, or used in the form of a tincture. It ...
Sulphur We use the sublimed Sulphur (flores sulphuris), triturated with sugar of milk, and then prepared in dilutions, IN MODO HAHNEMANNI; or else a tincture ...
Stramonium THORN APPLE OR JAMESTOWN WEED. Indigenous in the United States and Europe. So common in our waste places about the cities that cases of poisoning ...
Spigelia anthelmia A native of the West Indies and of South America. It must not be confounded with the SPIGELIA MARYLANDICA, a native of the United States and ...
Silicea SYNONYMS : KIESELERDE, TERRA-SILICEA, ACIDUM SILICIUM. The proving of Silicea upon the healthy subject was published by Hahnemann in vol. iii. ...
Sepia SEPIAE SUCCUS. The juice of the cuttle-fish; a blackish fluid contained in the abdomen of the animal, and from which the animal has the power of ...
Secale cornutum ERGOT. SPURRED RYE. MUTTERKORN. A metamorphosis of rye, or other grain, by which it is converted, wholly or in part, into a curved, ...
Sabina SAVINE. An evergreen shrub of South Europe. The leaves and tops are used in medicine. Their properties depend on an essential oil, which dissolves in ...
Rhus toxicodendron Rhus Toxicodendron or Rhus Radicans, these two plants are now regarded by botanists as identical, differing only in their modes of growth. ...
Rhododendron SIBERIAN SNOW-ROSE. ALPINE ROSE. This plant, which is most abundant in the Alpine regions of Siberia, but is found likewise in other mountainous ...
Pulsatilla ANEMONE PRATENSIS. PULSATILLA NIGRICANS. I have chosen this drug to commence a course of lectures on materia medica, as well because it has ...
Podophyllum This remedy has been flippantly called the "VEGETABLE MERCURY." It resembles it no more than the "greenback" or paper dollar is like the precious ...