Materia Medica by Cyrus Maxwell Boger
Materia Medica by Cyrus Maxwell Boger
Zincum metallicum Mind.-- Moroseness especially in evening. Very sensitive to noise. Easily frightened, and long continued trembling after every ...
Zincum iodatum Jerkings, startings, etc. Lying on left side causes vertigo, palpitation, floating sensation, etc. Nose, obstructed at night; blows ...
Zincum chromatum Gnawing, grinding ache. Wandering, shock-like pains. Catching stitches, that impede motion. Averse to work; can't bring herself to ...
Zincum arsenicicum Occipital pain. Blue vision. Burning in bladder. Numb right arm, then left, > writing. Soles ache when tired, > pressure. Lumbar pain, ...
Xanthoxylum fraxineum Grinding, shooting, radiating pains. Numb left side. Nervousness. Head threatens to fly to pieces. Throat feels like a hollow ...
Viscum album Vertigo; persists after epileptic attack. Vertex; sudden throbbings in. Sore about waist. Milky urine. Bronchial asthma. Blood won't clot and ...
Vipera torva Bursting feeling. Hæmorrhagic tendency. Epistaxis. Excruciating pain at epigastrium. Enlarged liver. Fulness and unbearable pain, as if ...
Viola tricolor Mind.-- Dulness of. Indisposition for serious work. Taciturn and introverted. Will fullness and obstinacy (of children). Peevishness ...
Viola odorata Mind.-- The intellect predominates over the emotions and mind. Increased activity of intellect. Great rush of ideas. Weakness of ...
Vinca minor Weak and faint, as if to die. Foul, matted hair. Cutting in lower œsophagus. Menorrhagia; blood flows and flows, with weakness. Weeping ...
Viburnum opulus Violent nervous or spasmodic effects; in females. Can't keep still. Cramping. Hæmorrhage. Faint on sitting up. Left parietal pain. ...
Verbascum thapsus Spasmodic catarrhal or neuralgic effects. Earache. Coryza; with tears (Euphr.). Cramping, squeezing, crushing, paralyzing faceache; in malar ...