Kali Sulph is found in the cells and in the intercellular fluids, muscles,
nerves, epithelium and in the blood corpuscles. Its deficiency causes a
yellow slimy deposit on the tongue, and yellow or greenish secretion
with watery matter from the mucous surfaces.
1) It carries oxygen to all tissues of the human body, as does FerrumPhos. It also carries organic substances to the cells of the skin.
2) It deals with cells forming the lining of the skin, also deals with the
internal mucous lining of all the organs of the living body.
3) It furnishes vitality to the epithelium (layers of cells covering
cutaneous, mucous and serous surfaces). It is a constituent of scalp.
4) Ferrum Phos cures the first stage of inflammation (dry swelling
without secretion), Kali Mur deals with the second stage (viscous
secretions) adequately, Kali Sulph is curative in the third stage of
inflammatory conditions of bronchitis, pneumonia, whooping cough,
chronic suppurating mucous membrane catarrh (nose, ear, throat,
bronchial tubes, conjunctiva etc), catarrh of the stomach & bowels,
hepatitis (liver inflammation) and nephritis (kidney inflammation) as
well as rheumatic pains of joints and for all processes of excretion &elimination of toxic matter, when the exudations are yellowish, sticky,
slimy, as it has an affinity for oil.
5) It is needed in degeneration of the surface cells of the mouth, tongue,
lips, nose as in psoriasis, eczema, dandruff, epithelial cancer of the lips,
cancer of the face and nose.
6) It is the function remedy of the epidermis and epithelium. It aids
desquamation in eruptive diseases, and assists in the formation of newskin. ‘Skin scales freely on a sticky base,
’ and is dry hot and burning
with lack of perspiration.
7) It is the chief remedy for skin diseases with formation of scales.
8) It is a remedy for psoriasis; excessive desquamation of the epidermis.
Skin peels off with or without sticky secretions.
9) It cures eczema with watery, yellow and foul matter.
10) “In case of all diseases which have not been cured properly,
” Kali
Sulph cures (H. G. Jaedicke).
11) It is also a remedy for:
a) Epithelioma (cancer of the skin); thin purulent discharge may exist.
b) Smallpox when rash suppressed.
c) Recurring eruption of fine red pimples.
d) Tinia Capitis (Ringworm of the scalp)
e) Diseased condition of the nails (in alternation with Silicea)
f) Dandruff with yellowish or white scales. (A dose of 6x potency three
times a day works, besides an external application of a lotion of 3x
potency in half a cup of warm water would also be effective.)
g) Violent itching of anus.
12) It cures rheumatic pains of a shifting nature, worse in the evening, at
night, from sunset to sunrise, in a heated room, better in the cool air.
13) The patient lacks thirst; he/she is dread of hot drinks generally.
14) A sensation of weariness and heaviness, with chilliness, headache,
pains in the limbs or vertigo, is one of the guiding symptoms.
15) It activates destruction of worn-out cells.
16) For severe headache, indigestion, neuralgia, alternate shivering and
suffocation & difficult menses, Kali Sulph in 3x potency should be
availed of frequently till required.
17) Hypertrophy of prostate gland.
18) “There is no remedy so competent for rattling in the chest when that
state has followed an acute attack of inflammation. When a child has
passed through broncho-pneumonia and seems to have recovered and
after every change in the weather to cold the child coughs and rattles in
the chest, then it is that this remedy cures.” (Kent)
Significant indication for the selection of Kali Sulph:
a) The patient is sad and fearful of falling; mental exertion aggravates;
he or she is always in a hurry.
b) Condition of the patient worsens in the evening and in warm room.
c) He/she gets relief from ailments in cool fresh air.
d) Rise of temperature in the evening until midnight and then falls.
e) Copious scaling of the scalp.
f) Discharges may be tinged with blood.

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