(Pathological necrosis of one or more body cells or of a portion of tissue or organ when
blood supply is obstructed by injury or any disease; it may be dry or wet.)
Signs & symptoms:
f) Gangrene causes blackness of the skin
g) Diabetic gangrene affects the toes
h) Vascular inflammation affects the fingers with scleroderma (atrophy of terminal
i) Effected parts emit foul discharge
j) The effected part becomes purple or blue owing blood poisoning
1) Arsenic Alb 30x: For dry gangrenous inflammations with mental restlessness, great
prostration after slightest exertion, unquenchable thirst, burning pains, fear fright &
worry, nightly aggravation, better warm application, it is a profoundly acting remedy, if
given 3 hourly for seven days. Carbo Veg follows well depending on the then prevailing
2) Carbo Veg 12x or 30x, 3 hourly, 7 days: It is used for wet senile gangrene
commencing from toes. There is tendency to gangrene of the margins. The perspiration is
hot. The discharges are offensive. Deficient capillary circulation causes blueness of
skin. The patient feels ameliorated from being fanned constantly.
3) Kali Phos 12x: For gangrenous and malignant condition of throat, accompanied by
foul breath, it is very good and should be taken at frequent intervals. One may use Kali
Mur as a gargle in hot water twice a day. Besides, one may take Ferrum Phos, Kali
Sulph, and Silicea, all in 12x potency, if necessary a few doses at half hour intervals.