Hyperthyroidism(Biochemic medicine)


(Over-activity of Thyroid Gland causing weight loss, nervousness, tremors, excessive sweating,
rapid heart-beat etc)
1) Iodum 6x: One may take 5 pills twice daily under competent medical supervision. The
patient may have voracious appetite and thirst but gets thin, loses flesh all the time; suffers
from constipation, with ineffectual urging, better by drinking cold milk; profound debility,
great emaciation; hypertrophy and induration of thyroid gland; symptoms worsen in warmroom, ameliorate while walking.
2) Natrum Mur 6x, twice daily for a few days: Hyperthyroidism with great weakness and
weariness; great emaciation, loses flesh while living well; drops things from nervousness;
weeping disposition, consolation aggravates her complaints; craves salt; tears stream down
the face whenever he/she coughs; worse noise, music, warm room, seashore, summer, better
lying on right side, cold bathing.
3) Mag Phos 200x: It has won greatest laurels in the treatment of nervous affections. It is
best adapted to lean, thin, emaciated persons. It is good for lightning-like, spasmodic pains
which are relieved by warmth and pressure. The patient is tired and exhausted, not able to sit
up. Goitre with soreness and stiffness & chilliness and pain, especially on right side. It
should be given once daily in the morning in hot water

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