Leucorrhoea( Biochemic medicine)


(Abnormal mucous discharge from the vagina; it may be due to simple debility or an affection of the
womb of a more or less inflammatory nature)
1) Alumina 12x, 6 hourly for a few days: Leucorrhoea acrid, corrosive, profuse,
transparent, ropy, running down to the heels, with burning < daytime, after menses, at new
and full moon, > by washing with cold water.
2) Borax 3x, 4 hourly for a few days: Leucorrhoea profuse, albuminous, curd like or like
white of eggs, with sensation as if warm water flowing down; dread of downward motion;
fear of thunder; there may be sterility, nausea, aphthae, < warm weather, > cold climate. It
“favors easy conception.” Vinegar & wine are incompatible.
3) Graphites 12x or 30x twice daily for a few days: Leucorrhoea excoriating (removes part
of skin), white, occurring in gushes day & night, before and after menses, with great
weakness in back, obesity, constipation and aversion to coitus. Calcarea Phos 6x is a
valuable inter-current remedy, and may be given twice a day.
4) Kali Mur 6x, thrice a day: When the discharge consists of non-irritating milky white
mucus, it is quite useful.
5) Natrum Mur 12x, twice a day: Leucorrhoea with a watery, scalding, irritating discharge
and headache, colic and itching of vulva; if acrid and of nervous origin, and foul smelling, let
it be alternated with Kali Phos 6x.
6) Calcarea Phos 6x thrice daily: If leucorrhoea, which resembles the white of an egg, is
worse in the morning with backache and menses occurring every two weeks. If leucorrhoea
increases as the menses decrease, it is the remedy


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