Peptic Ulcer
(Ulcer of stomach or duodenum exposed to gastric secretions)
Signs & Symptoms:
a) The effect of the mind on the body is marked in the case of the peptic ulcer abundantly.
The abdomen is known as the ‘sounding board of human emotions.’
b) Peptic ulcer may arise in the stomach or duodenum.
c) Both gastric and duodenal ulcers are characterized by periodic attacks of epigastric pain.
d) The pain usually occurs one to three hours after meals and is relieved by milk and certain
1) Arsenic Alb 30x: Everything swallowed seems to lodge in the oesophagus. Stomach
extremely irritable, seems raw, as if torn; cannot bear the smell or sight of food; abdomen
swollen; burning pains like coals of fire, ameliorated by heat; Patient mentally restless,
physically too weak to move. It should be given twice a day.
2) Natrum Phos 6x: Gastric ulceration, hyperacidity, sour arisings, indigestion, excess of
lactic acid; severe pain in stomach after eating or coming on two hours after eating. Creamy
golden-yellow coating is seen on the back part of tongue, tonsils and palate. It should be
given 4 hourly. If heart-burn (acrid or burning feeling in throat or chest caused by excessive
acidity in stomach), alternate it with Ferrum Phos 6x.
a) Do not consume caffeine and alcohol.
b) Avoid citrus juices, tomatoes and spicy foods.
c) Do not eat just before going to bed