Pleurisy(Biochemic )


(It is an inflammation of the membranes which line the chest wall and cover the lungs usually
caused by chill and marked by fever & pain; in many cases the pleural cavity fills up with fluid
which has to be withdrawn and requires the expert services of a physician; the diet should be
light and nourishing, low in table salt; hot application essential)
1) Ferrum Phos 6x: It is quite good in the first stage of an acute attack of pleurisy with high
fever, severe pain, short cough, shivering, and oppressed breathing. Five celloids every hour;
as the symptoms become less acute, every two hours. Natrum Mur 6x may be alternated.
2) Kali Mur 6x, every two hours: It is required during the second stage when fluid has
accumulated in the pleural cavity and the tongue is coated white. It may be alternated with
Ferrum Phos.
3) Calcarea Sulph 6x, every two hours: When pus forms in the cavity of the pleurae or in the
lungs, it helps and cures.
Worth Noticing:
Dr Compton Burnett, an allopathic doctor of great repute, could not get rid of pleurisy by
allopathic treatment but was cured by a Homoeopath. Consequently, he took to homoeopathic
practice remarkably.


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