(It is a disease of the spine and other bony structures due to deficiency of the phosphate of lime
and the albuminous substances. It mainly affects the children.)
Key Symptoms:
a) Delayed dentition
b) Perspiration on the head immediately after falling asleep
c) Curving of the bones
d) Head is flat and more square than usual
e) Appetite may be voracious
f) He/she is drowsy by day, restless at night
g) The chin is small and out of proportion to the forehead
1) Calcarea Phos 6x: It is the leading remedy in rachitis and other diseases of children.
Delicate, emaciated children with soft bones, open fontanelles, delayed dentition, curvature
of spine, inability to hold the head up, pigeon breast, frequent diarrhea, cold tremors, sallow
complexion. Three tablets should be given in water or milk 2 hourly for some days. It should
be alternated with Kali Phos 6x in case putrid diarrhea occurs often and there is nervous
depression with extreme debility and atrophy of the bones. Natrum Phos 6x is a useful
alternating remedy for poorly nourished children, having clay colored stools, and excessive
acidity. In cases where there is profuse head sweat, with dry body, Silicea 6x may be needed
in alternation.
2) Calcarea Carbonica 30x, weekly one dose: It is “a constitutional remedy par
excellence.” It is very useful in the case of scrofulous and rachitic conditions with a jaded
state, mental or physical. The child may have open fontanelles, sweats easily, wets pillow,
and takes cold readily. There may be curvature of dorsal vertebrae