(Blood Poisoning)
Signs & Symptoms:
a) Enlargement of the spleen, rigors, sweating and petechiae are the main signs
b) After child birth infection spreads
c) Lacerated wounds, injuries, gangrene, carbuncle may cause septicaemia
d) Septicaemoa after surgical operations
e) Septic fevers which are usually high
f) Extreme debility
Kali phos 12x: It is an anti-septic, hinders the decay of tissues, prevents septic haeemorrhages of
putrid blood, reduces offensive odor. It cures blood poisoning. It may be given hourly. Once
improvement is observed, duration should be increased suitably. It may be alternated with
Natrum Mur 12x 2 hourly.
Ars Alb 30x, twice daily for some days: It is very effective in septic infections with low vitality,
debility, restlessness, burning pains, unquenchable thirst, great exhaustion after the slightest
exertion, and nightly aggravation; injurious effects of fruits; ill-effects of decayed food; septic