Ulcers & Ulcerative Colitis
1) Arsenic Alb 12x: Everything swallowed seems to lodge in the oesophagus. Stomach
extremely irritable, seems raw, as if torn; cannot bear the smell or sight of food; abdomen
swollen; burning pains like coals of fire, ameliorated by heat; Patient mentally restless,
physically too weak to move. It should be given twice a day. Ulceration of heels; painful
burning ulcers with hard margins.
2) Natrum Phos 6x, 5 celloids every two hours: Ulcerative colitis with vomiting of sour
fluids or coffee-ground liquids; least amount of food causes pain; creamy yellow coating at
the base of the tongue.
3) Calcarea Phos 3x, thrice a day: It is quite good for ulceration in children. It may be on
surface or inside the nose.
4) Silicea 12x, three times a day: In case adults suffer from quite deep ulceration with
corroding discharge, let it be given for a week or so. Useful in ulcers of lung and breast.
5) Argentum Nitricum 12x twice daily for some days: It is good for gastric ulcers, belching
accompanies; ulcerative pains in left side under the ribs with flatulence; great craving for
6) Graphites 30x, twice daily for a few days: It is quite useful in dealing with duodenal
ulcers; sweets nauseate, hot drinks disagreeable; burning in stomach recurrent gastralgia
preceded by colic; flatulence, must loosen clothing.
7) Hepar Sulph 30x, twice daily for some days: It is a very good remedy to heal ulcers with
tendency to suppuration; sensitive burning bleeding ulcers.
8) Nitric Acid 12x, two times per day for 7 to 15 days: Ulcers which bleed when touched;
syphilitic ulcers; blisters & ulcers in mouth, tongue and genitals; longing for indigestible
things; loves fat and salt; urine smells like that of a horse