(Nettle-rash, Hives)
(An allergic skin disease characterized by the appearance of intensely itching wheals, small raised
patches of skin, as from an insect bite)
1) Natrum Phos 6x, 5 tablets 3 times a day: “Rose rash,” hives, itching all over the body,
like insect bites, with sore patches on the skin, accompanied by the symptoms of acidity or
creamy yellow discharges. It may be alternated with Kali Phos 6x, if there is crawling
sensation with itching, which occurs inside of hands and feet where the skin is thickest.
2) Antimonium Crud 30x twice daily for some days: Urticaria, measles-like eruptions, with
loss of appetite, and desire for pickles; itching when warm in bed; thickly coated white
tongue as if whitewashed.
3) Ars Alb 30x, twice a day for a few days: Urticaria with burning and restlessness, worse
wet weather, better warm drinks. Intense itching, worse cold and scratching.
4) Ferrum Phos & Kali Mur both together in 6x potency thrice daily will help in
overcoming the disease.