(Giddiness, Dizziness)
(A sensation or actual loss of equilibrium, frequently accompanied by nausea, vomiting, nystagmus
(abnormal oscillation of eyeballs); constipation should be corrected.
1) Ferrum Phos 6x: Vertigo or giddiness from rush of blood to the head, with flushed face
and throbbing or pressing headache, on rising from a stooping position; after eating or with
vomiting of undigested food, relieved by cold application. Kali Phos 6x should be alternated
every hour, a few doses, comprising of 5 tablets each. Kali Phos takes care of vertigo fromanaemia, also from cerebral or nervous causes and weakness/exhaustion, worse when rising
and looking upward.
2) Acid Phos 1x one drop in water twice daily after meals: Vertigo towards evening while
standing or walking, worse shaking or noise with crushing headache; hair thins out, turns gray
3) Borax 30x, one or two doses for vertigo while descending; Calcarea Carbonica 30x, one
or two doses for vertigo while ascending; Natrum Mur 12x, every two/three hours, for
vertigo when studying or giving examination.