Worms ( Biochemic)


(Intestinal tract is often the site of worms. Intestinal worms are of three kinds: tape worms, round
worms, pin worms. Presence of worms is usually detected by irritation or itching of the anus.)
Natrum Phos 3x: It is the principal Bio-chemic remedy for all kinds of worms. It destroys excess
of lactic acid, which is helpful for the life of these worms. It is the enemy of intestinal, long,
round, or thread-worms, with associated symptoms of picking of the nose, itching of the anus,
acidity, restless sleep, pain in the abdomen, especially at night when warm in bed. It may be
given thrice a day. It expels tape worms also if taken for a long period. It is sufficient for
elimination of ascaris lumbricoides and oxyuris vermicularis. Natrum Phos may be alternated
with Natrum Mur 3x. If the tongue is white, let Kali Mur 6x be alternated.
Worms infesting the body are parasites which consume nutrients. Symptoms comprise of constipation
or diarrhea, flatulence, anemia, grinding of teeth, and extreme debility. The affected persons should
take garlic, onions, papaya seeds, promegranate


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