

Veins: This is a most useful remedy in varicose veins; especially are the capillaries spongy and enlarged.

Veins break easily when congested. Wounds bleed easily and much. It favors apoplexy. Ecchymoses of the skin and eyes. It favors local congestions. Hemorrhage from any part, from wounds, from ulcers.

Atony of the blood vessels. Haemorrhage from the lungs, stomach, rectum, nose, after extraction of teeth. The blood is generally bright red. Varicose veins on the limbs during pregnancy when painfulHaemorrhage in malignant ulceration.

After an operation and the wound has been properly closed the skin forming the edges of the wound continues to ooze a bright red blood. When a general haemorrhagic condition prevails. These features are often associated with heart troubles that will be expected.

Bleeding: If there has been a history of bleeding it should be given before a surgical procedure (Lach.).

Violent congestion after haemorrhage. No tendency to repair of vascular tissue. Hyperaemia of the brain and red face.

Head: Fullness and heat in head, but no fever.

A rush of blood from: chest to the head like a surging. Violent headache. Dull occipital pain. Pain in head aggravated by stooping.

Eyes, nose and ears: Blood-shot eyes.

Sharp pain in eyes and root of nose. Eyes red and congested. Foggy vision.

Noise in left ear startles her; later when laughing. Sensation as of cold air passing out of ear. Sensation as though ears were stopped. Sharp pain in ear. Earache.

Epistaxis, with congestion to head and chest.

Face red, without fever. Venous face. Flushes to face.

Pain in teeth from hot things. A haemorrhagic patient should have a dose of Mill. or Lachbefore having teeth extracted. The throat is red, ulcerated and bleeds easily.

Empty hungry feeling in morning. Burning in stomach, aggravated bending forward. Burning in stomach and abdomen extending to chest. Vomiting blood.

Abdomen distended with flatus. Haemorrhage from intestines and rectum. Haemorrhage in typhoid fever. Internal haemorrhage from lifting and from injuries. Prolonged buildings. Bleeding piles. Bleeding condylomata of anus.

The urine is bloody, clots in the urine after standing. Pain in kidneys followed by bloody urine lasting many days. Incontinence of urine.

Want of ejaculation in coition. Haemorrhage, from bladder and urethra. Bleeding wounds.

Profuse mensesprotracted, with cramps in uterus and abdomen. Uterine haemorrhage after slight exertion from abortion, or during labor; continuous, bright red blood.

Varicose veins of legs ulcerate and bleed in pregnant women. After hard delivery prolonged obstinate bleeding.

A woman predisposed to hemorrhage should have a dose of Millefolium before going into confinement. Suppressed lochia. No milk in breasts. Inflammation of the uterus after a uterine hemorrhage.

Oppression of the chest; palpitation; surging of blood from chest to head. Hemorrhage from lungs, Congestion of lungs following bleeding of lungs. Bleeding from lungs from suppressed menses.

Expectoration of blood 4 P.M. daily. Bleeding from the lungs in phthisis. Bleeding from lungs after exertion. A man thrown from a carriage had continued to cough up blood for many weeks was cured by this remedy very high.

Orgasm of blood about heart.

Online Materia Medica 

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Homoeopathy studies the whole person. Characteristics such as your temperament, personality, emotional and physical responses etc. are of utmost importance when prescribing a remedy. Thus please give as much information as possible and answer as many questions as possible. The answer boxes will scroll to meet your needs. You can ask for professional advice on any health-related and medical subject. Medicines could be bought from our Online Store or Homeopathic store near you.

Homoeopathy is a system of alternative medicine that is based on the concept of “like cures like.” It uses highly diluted substances that are believed to cause similar symptoms as the illness being treated.

There are many online homoeopathic Materia medica, which are resources that list and describe the properties and uses of different homoeopathic remedies. Some popular online homoeopathic Materia medica include:

Boericke’s Materia Medica: A comprehensive reference guide to homoeopathic remedies, including information on their uses, indications, and dosages.

Clarke’s Dictionary of Homeopathic Materia Medica: A well-respected and widely used reference that includes information on the symptoms that each remedy is used to treat.

Homeopathic Materia Medica by William Boer Icke: A popular homoeopathic reference book that provides in-depth information on a wide range of remedies, including their indications, symptoms, and uses.

The Complete Repertory by Roger van Zandvoort: A comprehensive online reference that provides information on remedies, symptoms, and indications, and allows users to search for treatments based on specific symptoms.

There are many writers who have contributed to the development of homoeopathic materia medica. Some of the most well-known include:

Samuel Hahnemann: The founder of homoeopathy, Hahnemann wrote extensively about the use of highly diluted substances in treating illness. He is best known for his work “Organon of the Medical Art,” which outlines the principles of homoeopathy.

James Tyler Kent: Kent was an American homoeopathic physician who is known for his contributions to homoeopathic materia medica. He wrote “Repertory of the Homeopathic Materia Medica,” which is still widely used today.

William Boericke: Boericke was an Austrian-American homoeopathic physician who wrote the “Pocket Manual of Homeopathic Materia Medica.” This book is considered one of the most comprehensive and widely used homoeopathic reference books.

George Vithoulkas: Vithoulkas is a Greek homoeopathic physician and teacher who has written several books on homoeopathic materia medica, including “The Science of Homeopathy” and “Essence of Materia Medica.”

Robin Murphy: Murphy is an American homoeopathic physician who has written several books on homoeopathic materia medica, including “Homeopathic Clinical Repertory” and “Homeopathic Medical Repertory.”


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