Calcarea carbonica




Leucophlegmatic, blond hair, light complexion, blue eyes, fair skin; tendency to obesity in youth.


Psoric constitutions; pale, weak, timid, easily tired when walking.


Disposed to grow fat, corpulent, unwieldy.


Children with red face, flabby muscles, who sweat easily and TAKE COLD READILY in consequence.


Large heads and abdomens; fontanelles and sutures open; bones soft, develop very slowly.


Curvature of bones, especially spine and long bones; extremities crooked, deformed; bones irregularly developed.


Head sweats profusely while sleeping, wetting pillow far around (Sil., Sank.).


Profuse perspiration, mostly on back of head and neck, or chest and upper part of body (Sil.).


Difficult and delayed dentition with characteristic head sweats, and open fontanelles.


During either sickness or convalescence, GREAT LONGING FOR EGGS; craves indigestible things (Alum.) ; aversion to meat.


Acidity of digestive tract; sour eructation, sour vomiting, sour stool; sour odor of the whole body (Hep., Rheum.).


Girls who are FLESHYPLETHORICAND grow too rapidly.


Menstruation TOO EARLY, TOO PROFUSE, TOO LONG LASTING; with subsequent amenorrhoea and chlorosis with menses scanty or suppressed.


Women: menses too early, too profuse; feet habitually cold and damp, as if they had on COLD DAMP STOCKINGS; continually cold in bed.


THE LEAST MENTAL EXCITEMENT causes profuse return of menstrual flow (Sulph., Tub.).


Fears she will lose her reason or that people will observe her mental confusion (Act.).


Lung diseases of tall, slender, rapidly growing youth; upper third of right lung (Ars upper left, Myr., Sulph.) ; oftener the guide to the constitutional remedy than Phosphorus (compare, Tub.).


Diseases: arising from DEFECTIVE ASSIMILATION; IMPERFECT OSSIFICATION; difficulty in learning to walk or stand; children have no disposition to walk and will not try; suppressed sweat.


Rawness of soles of feet from perspiration (Graph., Sank.); blisters and offensive foot sweat.


Longing for fresh air (when in a room) which inspires, benefits, strengthens (Puls., Sulph.).


Coldness: general; OF SINGLE PARTS (Kali bi.); head, stomach, abdomen, feet and legs; aversion to cold open air, “goes right through her”; sensitive to cold, damp air; GREAT LIABILITY TO TAKE COLD (opposite of Sulph.).


Sweat: of single parts; head, scalp wet, cold; nape of neck; chest, axillae, sexual organs; hands, knees; feet (Sep.).


Pit of stomach swollen like AN INVERTED SAUCER, and painful to pressure.


Uraemic or other diseases brought on by standing on cold, damp pavements, or working while standing in cold water; modelers or workers in cold clay.


Feels better in every way when constipated.


Stool has to be removed mechanically (Aloe, Sanic, Sel., Sep., Sil.).


Painless hoarseness, < in the morning.


Desire to be magnetized (Phos.).




Complementary: to, Bell., which is the acute of Calc.


Calcarea acts best: before, Lyc, Nux, Phos., Sil.


It follows: Nit. ac, Puls., Sulph. (especially if pupils are dilated); is followed by, Kali bi. in nasal catarrh.


According to Hahnemann, Calc. MUST NOT BE USED BEFORE Nit. ac. and Sulph.; may produce unnecessary complications.


In children it may be often repeated.


In aged people should not be repeated; especially if the first dose benefited, it will usually do harm.




Cold air; wet weather; cold water; from washing (Ant. c.) ; morning; during full moon.




Dry weather; lying on painful side (Bry., Puls.)

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Homoeopathy is a system of alternative medicine that is based on the concept of “like cures like.” It uses highly diluted substances that are believed to cause similar symptoms as the illness being treated.

There are many online homoeopathic Materia medica, which are resources that list and describe the properties and uses of different homoeopathic remedies. Some popular online homoeopathic Materia medica include:

Boericke’s Materia Medica: A comprehensive reference guide to homoeopathic remedies, including information on their uses, indications, and dosages.

Clarke’s Dictionary of Homeopathic Materia Medica: A well-respected and widely used reference that includes information on the symptoms that each remedy is used to treat.

Homeopathic Materia Medica by William Boer Icke: A popular homoeopathic reference book that provides in-depth information on a wide range of remedies, including their indications, symptoms, and uses.

The Complete Repertory by Roger van Zandvoort: A comprehensive online reference that provides information on remedies, symptoms, and indications, and allows users to search for treatments based on specific symptoms.

There are many writers who have contributed to the development of homoeopathic materia medica. Some of the most well-known include:

Samuel Hahnemann: The founder of homoeopathy, Hahnemann wrote extensively about the use of highly diluted substances in treating illness. He is best known for his work “Organon of the Medical Art,” which outlines the principles of homoeopathy.

James Tyler Kent: Kent was an American homoeopathic physician who is known for his contributions to homoeopathic materia medica. He wrote “Repertory of the Homeopathic Materia Medica,” which is still widely used today.

William Boericke: Boericke was an Austrian-American homoeopathic physician who wrote the “Pocket Manual of Homeopathic Materia Medica.” This book is considered one of the most comprehensive and widely used homoeopathic reference books.

George Vithoulkas: Vithoulkas is a Greek homoeopathic physician and teacher who has written several books on homoeopathic materia medica, including “The Science of Homeopathy” and “Essence of Materia Medica.”

Robin Murphy: Murphy is an American homoeopathic physician who has written several books on homoeopathic materia medica, including “Homeopathic Clinical Repertory” and “Homeopathic Medical Repertory.”

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