This beautiful liana is commonly found in the woods of Brazil; its stem, of a flexible and tenacious wood, furnishes slender, slightly pubescent branches with deep parallel furrows. The leaves are alternate, with winged petioles; they are composed of five folioles which are almost sessile, oval-lanceolate, crenulate, irregularly bizugate. The flowers are small, in spikes, situated on axes that are accompanied by leaflets arising from the axillae of the leaves. Calix with five folioles, corolla with four petals, alternating with the foibles of the calix; eight stamens; ovary with three uni-ovulate chambers. Capsule pear-shaped and sharp, divided at its superior part in three tubercles. Root with long fasciculate branches which are a little hairy at their extremity. We employ the fresh root.
First day. 1. Loathing, tongue thick and doughy, in a few minutes. She dreams about a leprous woman, which disgusts her.
Second day. Very chilly. Colic followed by a reddish diarrhoeic stool mixed with slime. 5. Headache as if the head were covered with a cap of lead on which one strikes. Loathing of food. Desire for dainties. Frequent and ineffectual desire to urinate. Pain of the soles in walking, increased by pressure. 10. Lancinating pain in the heel.
Third day. Sensation in all the limbs as if bruised. Dizzy, her head inclines forwards. The feet feel numb, after going up-stairs. The arms, chest and head, except the ears, are very cold. 15. Desire to vomit. Her tongue feels as if it were as thick as a finger. Burning when urinating. She likes to remain quiet and shut up. Dreams about a leprous patient whose sores bleed. 20. Her chest feels as if it would open, with a cracking noise. Stitch under the right eye.
Fourth day. Shuddering on rising. Sharp pain during stool, as if a penknife had been plunged into the abdomen. Prickling at the left eye, which weeps and is very much inflamed. I5. Redness of the sclerotica. Buzzing in the left ear for 15 minutes. Pain in the groin as if the nerves were cut. Crampy pain in the left side of the hypogastrium. Itching and tingling in the throat. 30. Pain at the eyebrows meeting from opposite side at the root of the nose. Heat in the soles. Oppression and burning in both sides of the chest. Pressure in the hypogastrium. Pain as if a string had been strung round the hypochondria. W. Intolerable itching, with sense of burning in the chest. Beating in the temple and above the left eye. Pain at the navel as from a penknife. Painful sensation as from an iron bar; compelling the head to incline forwards. Constant ennui. 40. Loathing at the sight of food. Desire for the taste and smell of coffee. General lassitude.
Fifth day. Pain in the lower limbs, which become stiff by walking. Cramp in the palm and fingers of the left hand, extending to the arm. 45. Violent pain in the side as if a stone were pressed in. Itching and suppuration behind the head.
Sixth day. Hammering in the vertex, reverberating. in the temples. Restless sleep. She dreams that she wishes to open her chest in order to look into it. 50. Pressure at the chest and sides, as if pressed upon by iron sheeting, and then pierced with penknifes, causing an acute pain. Nausea. Lancinating pain in the left nipple, as if a penknife were thrust in, at regular intervals. Sawing pain as if the cartilage of the left ear were cut; this pain extends to the left side of the neck. Prickings as from a thousand needles in the left thigh, high up, for several minutes.
Seventh day. -55. Pressure as from an iron band around the waist; and stitches in the upper part of the thorax, worse during motion. Crampy pain in the left hand, for a moment. Sensation, while talking, as if a stone were burying itself in the stomach. Pain as if a knife were plunged into the right side.
Eighth day. She dreams that a scabby dog full of sores is walking towards her; she took hold of the dog, who bit her; then she uttered loud cries, in the midst of which she awoke with a severe pain in the chest. 60. She feels bruised all over. Headache as if her head would split. Lachrymation, especially of the left eye. Very hungry at dinner. Stabbing sensation in the ovaries, for a moment. 65. Painful stitches in each side of the abdomen.
Ninth day. Burning in the chest. Pain at the right ankle, as if sprained. Tingling in the throat. Pain in the loins as if bruised; she is unable to raise herself after stooping. 70. Pain at the right shoulder, disappearing by friction. Numbness in the shoulder. Intense itching under the arm.
First day. Sense of scraping in the throat. Heat in the front part of the chest. 75. Short breathing. Passing in the region of the liver. Acute pain at the left wrist. Rumbling in the right hypochondrium. Pain in the left hypochondrium. 80. Pain in the right parietal region, as if pressed from within outwards. Internal trembling in the umbilical region and the left hypochondrium. Pain in the whole abdomen, worse when touching it. Pain at the heart, at 2 in the afternoon. Lancination in the praecordial region. 85. Chilliness, first of the upper part of the body, and then all over. Alternate heat and chilliness in the face. Dry mouth. Rough tongue with sensation as if larger. Obnubilation. 90. Lancination, as after chewing cloves; a constant symptom. Numbness of the arms. Trembling of the lower limbs. In walking, she feels as though she were walking backwards. Lazy, not disposed to work. 95. Desire to lie down. Rough voice. Yellowish, bitter, difficult and tenacious expectoration. No appetite. At 6, the pain at the heart extends to the last ribs. 100. Acute pain in the middle of the head, on the right side. Headache, on the left side. Out of breath, with desire to vomit. Pain above the eyes, penetrating to the brain. Pain at the left breast. 105. Pain in the right side of the chest, at half past 7 in the evening. Melancholy. Pain in the right temple. Weakness and heaviness in the lower limbs. 110. Numbness in the sole of the right foot and at the knee. Pain in the shoulder-blades. Red spots in the face and on the chest. Shooting in the jaws. Sadness and drowsiness all day.
Second day. -115 Desire to vomit on waking. Pain at the left groin, at 8. Weak feeling in the chest. Pain in the left temple. Pain in the left arm, extending to the back. 120. Pain in the middle of the head as if a nail were thrust in. Itching in the hand and fingers, obliging one to scratch until the skin is off. Deep ennui. Acute pain in the right side of the chest, at 4 in the afternoon. Pain in the left thigh. Pain in the right teeth. Contusive pain in the region of the liver, in touching the right ribs; worse when walking. Chilliness all over in the evening. 130. Pain near the right elbow ; at 9 in the evening.
Third day. Acute lancinations under the right arm. Pain at the neck. Lancinations in the left side. Heaviness of the head; with pain in the right temple. 135. Heat in the face. Lancination under the right breast, at one o’clock. Dull pain ‘in the left ear, at 2. Lancinations in the liver. Headache at night.
Fourth day. -140. Pain in the whole abdomen. Extraordinary desire for coffee and fruits. Constipation, for two days. Toothache continued. Pain under the right arm. 145. Pain at the internal part of the right arm. Lancinations in the right side of the chest, at 4 in the evening.
Fifth day. Dreams about dead persons. Vision of dead persons. Headache, in the region of the right temple. 150. Pain from the arm to the chest, at 8 in the morning. Heat in the chest, around the breast, which feels as if pressed together by an iron band. Staggering gait. Bitter mouth. Profuse saliva. 155. Shortness of breath. Pain in the left arm when stretching it. Pain in the neck, less in the open air. Pain in the right side of the chest, below the clavicle and the right axilla, at 6 in the evening. No sleep.
Sixth day.-100. Diarrhoea. Pain in the right side of the chest. Rheumatic pain in the knees. Pain around the navel. Pain in the chest. 165. Headache all day. Desire to walk. Lancinations in the splenetic region, at noon. Pain in the right shoulder, at one o’clock. Chilliness, at 3. 170. Shuddering with drowsiness and arthritic pains. Lancinations in the right side of the chest, at half past 3. Lancinations in the right breast, at 6 in the evening. Heaviness of the head and forehead.
Seventh day. Short breathing. 175. Pain under the sternum. Pain in the right wrist. Pain in the joints. Pain in the right ear. Blood-streaked saliva. 180. Headache in the evening, with inability to stoop. Violent cough, with inflamed throat. Fear of being phthysicky. Sad dreams.
Eighth day. When drawing breath, the chest feels as if opened. 185. Dry and short cough.
Ninth day. Headache in the morning. Weariness of the lower limbs. Pain in the left side of the chest, as far as the arm, as if the parts were scratched.
Tenth day. Pain around the umbilicus. 190. Lancinations in the right side of the chest. Lancinations in the right eye, with lachrymation. Heat all along the back. A good appetite all day. Dreams about dead persons, with tears on waking. 195. Dry and short cough.
Eleventh day. Oppression on the chest. Dry cough. Pain in the right side of the chest. No appetite. 200. Ulceration at the lower limbs, with itching.
MENTAL AND MORAL: 1. She likes to be alone and quiet. Ennui. Melancholy. Dizzy, her head inclines forward. 5. In walking she imagines she is walking backwards. Staggering gait. Vision of dead persons.
HEAD: Headache in the evening, with inability to stoop. Heaviness of the head, with pain in right temple. 10. Acute pain in middle of the head. Pain in head as from a nail. Pressing pain from within outwards, in right parietal region. Splitting headache. Beating in the temple and above the left eye. 15. Pain as from an iron bar compelling the bead to stoop forward. Hammering in the vertex. Headache as if the head were covered with a cap of lead on which one strikes.
EARS, Eras, &c.: Dull pain in left ear. Sawing pain in the cartilage of the left ear, extending to the neck. 20. Buzzing in left ear. Alternate heat and chilliness in the face. Shooting in the jaws. Pain in right teeth. Darting in right eye, with lachrymation. 25. Pain above the eyes, penetrating to the brain. Stitch under the right eye. Prickling in left eye, which runs and is inflamed. Pain at the eyebrows, towards the root of the nose.
GASTRIC: Rough tongue, with sensation as if larger. 30. Bitter mouth. Out of breath, with desire to vomit. Loathing at the sight of food. Desire for coffee. Desire to vomit. 35. Loathing, with tongue thick and doughy. Desire for dainties. Itching and tingling in the throat. Scraping in the throat. Yellowish, tenacious expectoration. 40. Sensation, while talking, as if a stone were burying itself in the stomach.
ABDOMEN: Pain around the navel. Lancinations in the splenetic region. Contusive pain in the region of the liver. Pain in the region of the liver. 45. Pain in abdomen, worse when touched. Pain in right side, as if a knife were plunged in. Painful stitches in each side of the abdomen. Constrictive pain round the hypochondria. Cutting pain at navel. 50. Pain in the side as if a stone were pressed in. Crampy pain in left side of hypogastrium. Pain in the groin as if the nerves were cut. Colic followed by a reddish diarrhoeic stool. Constipation. 55. Diarrhoea. Sharp pain during stool, as from a penknife. Ineffectual desire to urinate. Burning when urinating. Stabbing sensation in the ovaries.
BRONCHIAL: 60. Blood streaked saliva. Cough with inflamed throat.
CHEST: Her chest feels as if it would open, with cracking. Itching and burning in the chest. Oppression and burning in the sides of the chest. 65. Burning in the chest. Lancing pain in left nipple. Pressure at the chest and sides as from iron sheeting, followed by sensation as if pierced by a penknife. Acute pain in the right side of the chest. Weak feeling in the chest. 70. Pain at the right breast. Dartings in the right breast. Pain under the sternum. Pain under the right clavicle. Shortness of breath. 75. Heat around the breast which feels compressed. Dartings in right side of chest. Scratching pain in left side of chest. When drawing breath, the chest feels as if being opened. Pain at the heart. 80. Lancination in the pre cordial region.
BACK: Heat along the back. Pain in the neck. Pain in the shoulder-blades.
EXTREMITIES: Numbness in the shoulder. 85. Numbness of the arms. Itching under the arm. Dartings under the right arm. Pain from the left arm to the back. Cramp in the palm and fingers of the left hand. 90. Pain in the lower limbs, which become stiff by walking. Prickings in left thigh, high up. Trembling of the lower limbs. Numbness in right foot and knee. Rheumatic pains in the knees. 95. Pain at right ankle as if sprained. Lancing pain in the heel. Pain of the soles in walking. Heat in the soles. The feet feel numb after going up-stairs.
FEVER, SLEEP: 100. Shuddering with drowsiness and arthritic pains. Chilliness. Shuddering on rising. Chilly. Restless sleep. 105. She dreams that a scabby dog is walking towards her; it bit her, and she cried out. She dreams that she wishes to look into a chest. Dreams about a leprous woman.
CUTANEOUS, GENERAL: Ulcers at the lower limbs, with itching. Red spots in the face. 110. Itching and suppuration behind the head. Pain in the joints. Distressing itching in the hand and fingers. Desire to lie down. Bruised all over. 115. Lassitude. Sensation in the limbs as if bruised.
“Materia Medica” is a term commonly used in the field of homeopathy to refer to a comprehensive collection of information on the characteristics and therapeutic uses of various natural substances, including plants, minerals, and animal products.
One such work is “Materia Medica,” a book written by Benoit Mure, a French homeopath, in the 19th century. The book is considered a valuable resource for homeopaths and is still widely used today.
In “Materia Medica,” Mure provides detailed information on over 100 homeopathic remedies, including their sources, preparation methods, physical and mental symptoms, and indications for use. He also discusses the philosophy and principles of homeopathy, as well as its history and development.
The book is known for its clear and concise writing style, and it has been praised for its accuracy and depth of knowledge. It remains a popular reference for homeopaths and students of homeopathy.
Overall, “Materia Medica” by Benoit Mure is an important work in the field of homeopathy and is highly recommended for anyone interested in learning about the use of natural remedies in the treatment of various health conditions.
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Homoeopathy is a system of alternative medicine that is based on the concept of “like cures like.” It uses highly diluted substances that are believed to cause similar symptoms as the illness being treated.
There are many online homoeopathic Materia medica, which are resources that list and describe the properties and uses of different homoeopathic remedies. Some popular online homoeopathic Materia medica include:
Boericke’s Materia Medica: A comprehensive reference guide to homoeopathic remedies, including information on their uses, indications, and dosages.
Clarke’s Dictionary of Homeopathic Materia Medica: A well-respected and widely used reference that includes information on the symptoms that each remedy is used to treat.
Homeopathic Materia Medica by William Boer Icke: A popular homoeopathic reference book that provides in-depth information on a wide range of remedies, including their indications, symptoms, and uses.
The Complete Repertory by Roger van Zandvoort: A comprehensive online reference that provides information on remedies, symptoms, and indications, and allows users to search for treatments based on specific symptoms.
There are many writers who have contributed to the development of homoeopathic materia medica. Some of the most well-known include:
Samuel Hahnemann: The founder of homoeopathy, Hahnemann wrote extensively about the use of highly diluted substances in treating illness. He is best known for his work “Organon of the Medical Art,” which outlines the principles of homoeopathy.
James Tyler Kent: Kent was an American homoeopathic physician who is known for his contributions to homoeopathic materia medica. He wrote “Repertory of the Homeopathic Materia Medica,” which is still widely used today.
William Boericke: Boericke was an Austrian-American homoeopathic physician who wrote the “Pocket Manual of Homeopathic Materia Medica.” This book is considered one of the most comprehensive and widely used homoeopathic reference books.
George Vithoulkas: Vithoulkas is a Greek homoeopathic physician and teacher who has written several books on homoeopathic materia medica, including “The Science of Homeopathy” and “Essence of Materia Medica.”
Robin Murphy: Murphy is an American homoeopathic physician who has written several books on homoeopathic materia medica, including “Homeopathic Clinical Repertory” and “Homeopathic Medical Repertory.”