Sepia officinalis

Sepia officinalis

Draggy, relaxed females -lithæmic, plethoric, – subject to prolapses or easy dislocations. Uterine reflexes. Symptoms settle in back; shoot up, < rectum, vagina, etc.; backward, head (l), ileo-cæcal region, ovary, etc., or cause shuddering. AS OF A LUMP or a rolling over internally. Weak, empty, hollow feeling; in epigastrium, chest, muscles, lumbar back, hips, knees, etc., or fulness. Milky discharges. Bleedings.


Angry, sensitive and irritable and miserable. Sensitive to pain. Anxious fear; over trifles. Averse, to one’s own; to sympathy; to company; yet dreads solitude. Stifled affections. Poor memory. Sad irritability, alternating with indifference or sulkiness. Sexually minded. Sad over her health and domestic affairs. Indifference. Stupid, wants to go away. Headache; over left eye; alternate sides of occiput; < lying on it; heavy on vertex; shootings; bursting. Hemicrania. Jerks head back and forth. Drooping eyelids. Red, itching tarsi. Falling out feeling in eyes. Sees motes, flashes, zigzags, photopsies; then collapse. Odors are repulsive. NOSE; BROWN STRIPE ACROSS (Menis.); pressive pain at root; foul plugs or green crusts from. Dark circles under eyes. Changing of color of face. Chloasma. Numb malar bones. Swollen, cracked lower lip. Mouth feels burnt. Hawks mucus or foul, cheesy grains in A.M. Taste cheesy, fishy or bitter-sour. Ascending throat colds. Eructates tough, foamy mucus. Nausea at tought or smell of food; in A.M. Vomits; solids only; milky. Gnawing hunger. Craves acids. FAINT SINKING AT EPIGASTRIUM, not > eating, or a lump in. Griping in gall-bladder, < stooping. Falling out or heavy bearing down feeling in hypogastrium; holds it or crosses legs. Pot belly. Stool, then gelatinous mucus. Diarrhœa, from boiled milk. Rectum constricted and powerless; no urging for days. Obstipation. As of a ball in anus. Piles, prolapsing; sticking; of pregnancy. Oozing from anus. Slow urination; cutting before. Enuresis, during first sleep; < coughing, sneezing, etc. THICK, FOUL URINE; ADHERENT, RED, SANDY SEDIMENT, or white, gritty. Menses absent; at puberty; after weaning, etc. Grasping, burning or sticking in uterus (os). Sub-involution. WEAK, DRAGGING OR BEARING DOWN FEELING; must sit close or hold parts. Tends to abort. Labia swelled; abscessed. Leucorrhœa; in large lumps; foul; gonorrhœal. Stomach cough; < rapid change of temperature; with foul sputum. Circulation, irregular; seems to stagnate. Palpitation; visible; ascends to occiput. General pulsation. Ebullitions at night. Overful blood-vessels. Collar feels tight. Aching; inter-scapular; LUMBAR-paralytic-wants it pressed. Purple hands. Cold knees or heels. Skin blotched; raw, rough, hard or cracked, < flexures. Herpes. Ringworm. Itching vesicules. Boils in axillæ. Thick crust on elbows. Ulcers, on small joints. Epithelioma of eyelids, lips, etc. Skin; wine colored. Spots on the skin. Loud talking in sleep. Dreams if lies on left side. Easily chilled. Chilly, with air-hunger. Cold; in spots; on vertex; between scapulæ; feet, in bed. Sudden weakness; then anxious, hot flushes. Hot hands, with cold feet or vice versa. Sweat, easy; with orgasms; on genitals, axillæ or back. Irregular fevers.

“Materia Medica” is a term commonly used in the field of homeopathy to refer to a comprehensive collection of information on the characteristics and therapeutic uses of various natural substances, including plants, minerals, and animal products.

One such work is “Materia Medica,” a book written by Benoit Mure, a French homeopath, in the 19th century. The book is considered a valuable resource for homeopaths and is still widely used today.

In “Materia Medica,” Mure provides detailed information on over 100 homeopathic remedies, including their sources, preparation methods, physical and mental symptoms, and indications for use. He also discusses the philosophy and principles of homeopathy, as well as its history and development.

The book is known for its clear and concise writing style, and it has been praised for its accuracy and depth of knowledge. It remains a popular reference for homeopaths and students of homeopathy.

Overall, “Materia Medica” by Benoit Mure is an important work in the field of homeopathy and is highly recommended for anyone interested in learning about the use of natural remedies in the treatment of various health conditions.

Online Materia Medica 

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Homoeopathy is a system of alternative medicine that is based on the concept of “like cures like.” It uses highly diluted substances that are believed to cause similar symptoms as the illness being treated.

There are many online homoeopathic Materia medica, which are resources that list and describe the properties and uses of different homoeopathic remedies. Some popular online homoeopathic Materia medica include:

Boericke’s Materia Medica: A comprehensive reference guide to homoeopathic remedies, including information on their uses, indications, and dosages.

Clarke’s Dictionary of Homeopathic Materia Medica: A well-respected and widely used reference that includes information on the symptoms that each remedy is used to treat.

Homeopathic Materia Medica by William Boer Icke: A popular homoeopathic reference book that provides in-depth information on a wide range of remedies, including their indications, symptoms, and uses.

The Complete Repertory by Roger van Zandvoort: A comprehensive online reference that provides information on remedies, symptoms, and indications, and allows users to search for treatments based on specific symptoms.

There are many writers who have contributed to the development of homoeopathic materia medica. Some of the most well-known include:

Samuel Hahnemann: The founder of homoeopathy, Hahnemann wrote extensively about the use of highly diluted substances in treating illness. He is best known for his work “Organon of the Medical Art,” which outlines the principles of homoeopathy.

James Tyler Kent: Kent was an American homoeopathic physician who is known for his contributions to homoeopathic materia medica. He wrote “Repertory of the Homeopathic Materia Medica,” which is still widely used today.

William Boericke: Boericke was an Austrian-American homoeopathic physician who wrote the “Pocket Manual of Homeopathic Materia Medica.” This book is considered one of the most comprehensive and widely used homoeopathic reference books.

George Vithoulkas: Vithoulkas is a Greek homoeopathic physician and teacher who has written several books on homoeopathic materia medica, including “The Science of Homeopathy” and “Essence of Materia Medica.”

Robin Murphy: Murphy is an American homoeopathic physician who has written several books on homoeopathic materia medica, including “Homeopathic Clinical Repertory” and “Homeopathic Medical Repertory.”

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