
Each child has their own pattern of falling ill and will experience different
symptoms in a childhood illness. For example, one child may feel hot with a
high fever, while another may feel chilly and shiver. Another may be
irritable, intolerant of any disturbance and need to be kept warm, while
another may feel achy and restless, may moan and complain. One child may
sweat profusely, be thirsty, and slightly delirious; another may want
company or prefer to be alone. Each child with a fever or illness may need a
different homeopathic remedy depending on their emotional state and
general symptoms.
A child whose temperature soars may look and feel very ill, therefore
giving more cause for concern, but is usually ill for a shorter time and
recovers sooner than one whose temperature is lower. My friend Maggi's
youngest boy always falls ill in a sudden and dramatic fashion. With the
mumps his temperature soared to 105°F within a matter of hours and he
was in a lot of pain from swollen glands. We gave him Jaborandi for a day to
alleviate the pain, he slept and drank a lot and was over his mumps in two
days with no further assistance from us! His older sister was unwell for
several days (but not feverish) before her mumps appeared! And then her
temperature never rose above 100°F. She was ill for a week altogether and
needed Pulsatilla to help her during the acute phase of the illness and
Phosphoric acid during the convalescent stage to help her get her vitality
Homeopathic treatment can help at all stages of a childhood illness: with
an itchy rash or painful, swollen glands; with an accompanying cough or
sore, sticky eyes; and children usually recover more quickly and easily—and
without complications. Antibiotic treatment is ineffective for viral infections
(except scarlet fever which is bacterial) and will only add to your child's
stress load. Avoid them during this time and use homeopathic remedies to
help stimulate your child's inner healer.
If you suspect your baby is incubating measles look for small spots like
grains of sand (known as Koplick's spots) in the mouth, inside the cheeks.
Measles lasts up to two weeks. It starts with a high fever and watery, red
eyes that are sensitive to light. The rash will appear a few days later,
starting behind the ears and spreading down the body, and as it does so the
fever will begin to drop. It is a blotchy, itchy rash with raised spots in the
blotches. Children need careful nursing through measles to reduce the

possibility of complications (cough, earache, etc.) developing. Do keep a
child with measles and sore eyes out of bright light, with curtains partially
closed and lights dimmed.

Homeopathic medicines are often effective in treating measles, though
medical attention should also be sought due to the possibility of
complications from this disease.
ACONITUM: Useful at the beginning stages of measles, these children have a
high fever, a dry barking cough, and red conjunctiva (“pink eye”). Their skin
burns and itches, and they feel restless, anxious, and frightened. They toss
and turn.
Apis: In these cases the rash begins but fails to develop fully, and soon
disappears, though the child doesn’t feel completely well. Their itching is
worse by warmth, and their face and eyelids are puffy.
BELLADONNA: This remedy is often useful at the beginning stages of the
measles when there is sudden onset of a high fever, reddened face, and
throbbing headache. They tend to be drowsy, a little delirious, and have
some difficulty falling or staying asleep. Despite the fever, they are not very
Bryonia: In these cases the skin eruptions from the measles are delayed.
The children have a hard, dry cough and no expectoration. Any motion
causes pain. They may experience some mild delirium: the child “wants to
go home” even though they are at home.
Euphrasia: These children have a fever and rash as well as acrid tearing of
the eyes and a bland nasal discharge. They become sensitive to light. They
have a cough, but only during the day.
Gelsemium: For these children the onset of symptoms is slow. They have a
fever with great weakness and a sense of heaviness, both of the whole body
and specifically the eyelids. They are without thirst.
Kali bic: These children have ropy, stringy discharges from the nose and
burning and tearing of the eyes. Their salivary glands are noticeably swollen,

and they may experience stitching pains from the ear into the head and
PULSATILLA: These children experience a mild case of the measles. Their
fever is not high, and their symptoms are not too painful. They will,
however, have profuse tearing from the eyes and a nasal discharge. They
also have a dry cough at night which becomes loose in the daytime. They
may have ear inflammation. Although they have a dry mouth, they are
without thirst.
Sulphur: Children with the measles who need this medicine have a purplish
appearance. Their itching is aggravated by scratching They have reddened
mucous membranes and a great thirst. Their cough and diarrhea are at their
worst in the morning.

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