(An acute infection which forms pus in a cavity of the body, and is surrounded by inflamed tissue;
considerable quantity of non-functional organic substance accumulates at one spot. Food containing
plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables should be given.)
a) A little eruption/inflammation appears on the body
b) It hurts
c) It grows
d) It reddens
e) It itches
f) It forms pus
g) A boil may become an abscess
1) Calcarea Sulph 3x or 6x:
For painful gumboil, it is an excellent remedy. It may be given in five grain doses, three
or four times a day for some days as may be requiired. The presence of pus with a vent is an
indication for its use. It is also quite good for abscess on the tonsils. While Silicea ripens the abscess,
Calcarea Sulph causes the wound to heal and cures the suppuration. It may be alternated with Silicea.
2) Natrum Sulph 12x:
Fistulous abscess of Years’ standing, discharging watery pus, surrounded by bluish
border, falls within its curable range. It is given thrice a day. It may be alternated with Calcarea Sulph
12x if the abscess does not heal for some days. In case, the discharge becomes putrid, frequent doses
of Kali Phos 3x should be administered.
3) Silicea 6x:
That it is an excellent remedy, has been proved in a case of an old person who
suffered from tendonitis of the second phalanges. His hand was full of thick, yellow
pus. “He had been poulticed, lanced and morphined.” But there was no relief. So the
allopathic physicians decided to remove the finger. A day before the finger was to be
amputated the patient consulted Dr A. P. Davis who cured the finger by giving
Silicea 6x, a dose every three hours, besides doing Eucalyptus dressing every day.
“In four weeks the finger was restored to its natural size and shape.” This case has
been narrated in detail in The Twelve Tissue Remedies of Schussler by WilliamBoericke and Willis A. Dewey. It is also very effective in healing a boil which is of
an obstinate nature.
4) Hepar Sulph 3x thrice daily for some days:
The slightest injury causes suppuration. It opens the abscess and hastens the cure.
The patient is unreasonably anxious, extremely sensitive to cold air, and very
sensitive to slightest touch. There may be discharge of fetid pus from the ear. It is
also useful in abscess in lungs and near the ear.

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