(Hyperacidity and Gastralgia also)
(Abnormal acidity in stomach which causes contractive burning pain, belching, sour eructation,
constipation etc. A deficiency in phosphate of sodium causes acidity.)
a) Burning in the food pipe
b) Sour & bitter belching
c) Digestion of food slow
d) Flatulence in upper or middle or lower part of abdomen
e) Acidity in the stomach causes cramps, pains and burning sensation
1) Natrum Phos 4x or 6x:
Acidity, sour risings, gastric derangements causing flatulence, headache and giddiness, pain after
eating in one spot, loss of appetite, dyspepsia; stomachache when worms are present, accompanied
by abnormal acidity of the stomach; nausea & vomiting of acid fluids, aggravated during thunderstormor at night or in the morning. If need be, it may be alternated with Ferrum Phos 6x advantageously,
every two hours. Alone also suffices. It works slowly but steadily. One should avoid free indulgence
of potatoes, starchy food, puddings etc.
2) Calcarea Carbonica 6x:
Frequent sour eructation; sour vomiting; loud belching; “Pit of stomach swollen like an inverted
saucer”; the patient longs for cold drinks, feels better when constipated; complaints aggravate while
eating. It would suit obese persons highly. It may be taken thrice a day for some days.
3) Carbo Veg 6x or 12x:
Weak digestion; acidity after meals; food putrefies before it digests; desires to be constantly fanned;
excessive accumulation of gas in upper abdomen; belching gives temporary relief; sensation as if
stomach would burst, better passing wind. It may be given 4 hourly 4/5 days. It is a very good
medicine. It is also good for heart under such circumstances. An occasional dose of this remedy
preserves health.
4) Natrum Bicarbonicum 6x:
It supports de-acidification. It may be administered in the evening daily for a few days.
i) Do not lie down as soon as you have completed eating food.
ii) Give up smoking.
iii) Avoid rich and spicy food, alcohol and caffeine containing food.
iv) The patient should not be overweight.
v) Take reasonable amount of fruits & vegetables.


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