(Pimples also)
(It is an inflammatory, follicular, papular and pustular eruption on face, chest or back. Basically, it is
a hormonal problem. Rich food should be avoided. Proper attention to exercise and bowels is
essential. Wash face three times a day. Do not squeeze or pick pimples. Drink plenty of fluids.)
a) A crop of pus filled lesions appear on the face, chest or back
b) Soreness prevails
c) Itching, scratching or rubbing aggravates
d) It worsens after eating fatty food, sugar, coffee or meat
1) Calcarea Phos 6x:
Face full of pimples, especially in young girls with menstrual disorders and debility;
Freckles (sporadic sunburn); may be given three times a day for some days. After
substantial improvement, instead of 6x, one may take 12x once a day for a week and
thereafter 30x weekly, 3 doses.
2) Calcarea Sulph 3x:
If tender pimples under the beard or pustules on the face, it may be given thrice a day. In case, acne is
of gastric origin, Antim Crud in 6x potency should be given with this remedy.
3) Natrum Mur 30x:
Pustular eruption on forehead with an oily skin; it should be taken one dose in the morning
on alternate days, a few doses only.
4) Silicea 6x, 5 tablets twice a day:
For eradication of small lumps or nodules on the face and scalp, it is the remedy,
especially if the complexion of the face is pale and earthy. It is also useful to cure
Keratosis Pilaris which causes rough patches and small acne-like bumps on arms and
5) Ars Bromatum 6x:
It is efficacious in acne and pimples which are worse in the spring season. It is a true stimulant,
hence quite beneficial in all atrophic conditions.
6) Kali Brom 6x:
‘It is a splendid remedy for various forms of acne.’
Like Ars Brom, it is a true stimulant and so very useful in atrophic conditions.
It is more useful if salt is eliminated from the diet. Third trituration is preferable, and may be taken
twice daily for some days.
It removes scars left after cure of acne.


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