Addison’s disease

Addison’s disease

(Grave’s disease)
(Emaciation, blackish or coppery pigmentation (melanosis), hypotension, Gastro-intestinal
Asthenia (weakness), great falling of hair, hypoglycemia (unusually low concentration of glucose
in blood), giddiness, vertigo)
a) Sensation of thoracic constriction
b) Extreme weakness & debility
c) Skin acquires brownish-black or coppery patches
d) The patient suffers from sudden great loss of hair, low blood pressure & vertigo
e) Blood glucose decreases considerably
1) Vanadium 6x:
It is an oxygen carrier. It “increases and stimulates phagocytes.” It increases haemoglobin. It acts as a
tonic to digestive system. It arrests degenerative condition of liver and arteries. It enhances appetite.
It may be administered three times a day for several days.
2) Natrum Mur 6x:
The patient may have brown spots upon the back of hands, extreme mental and physical weakness,
trembling of legs, nausea, vomiting, constipation, giddiness, frequent yawning.. It may be given twice
a day for several days. It is the chief remedy for Addision’s disease.
3) Natrum Sulph 6x:
It is also one of the chief remedies, in case the patient is afflicted with bronzed skin, anemia, feeble
heart and debility. Let it be given twice a day in such a case, with an occasional dose of Natrum Mur
as an inter-current remedy.
4) Arsenic Alb 30x:
Extreme weakness & debility with mental restlessness and dread of death; great thirst for cold water,
drinks often but little at a time; cannot bear the smell or sight of food; the affected limbs burn like fire.
Fear, fright and worry afflict the patient immensely. It may be administered in the morning once daily
for a few days with any of the above medicines, if need be for a few days


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