

(Hair loss)
Dandruff also
Symptoms & Suggestions:
a) If dandruff exists, get rid if it first, then take care of hair. Use Kali Sulph 3x or 6x with
lime & water over the scalp. Dry it, thereafter wash it off. Dandruff disappears.
b) Stress & emotional imbalance take their toll on hair. So avoid tension and inculcate
mental calmness.
c) Rubbing of onion slices on bald head twice daily may remove baldness.
1) Natrum Mur 6x & Silicea 6x, 5 grains of each together may be taken 4 times
daily over a period of time to overcome alopecia. For falling of hair in spots,
Silicea 12x in the morning and Natrum Mur 12x in the evening have also proved
2) Kali Sulph 12x: It will take care of hair fall as well as severe dandruff. It may
be taken every third day, one dose consisting of 5 tablets, for three weeks.
3) Kali Phos 12x: “The chief remedy is Kali-p in 12x or 3-200x potency, three
doses a day, with rest from nervous worry.” (Editors of B. Jain)
4) Acid Phos 1x, twice a day one drop in water after meals: Hair thins out, falls
out, and turns gray early in life. It is the best remedy to restore hair loss, in case
debility dominates. The patient may suffer from diabetes and flatulence. It is also
very useful in relieving pain of cancer.
5) Antim Crudum 6x, three times a day for some days: ‘Headache with great loss of
hair.’ There may be heaviness in forehead with vertigo and nausea.
Eat green leafy vegetables, fruits, dates, almonds, bananas. Soya is a natural inhibitor of DHT, a
hormone which is responsible for alopecia. So include it in your daily diet. Also clean hair and
scalp daily to rule out accumulation of dead cells.


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