Alzheimer’s disease

Alzheimer’s disease

(Pre-senile dementia (feebleness of mind) caused by atrophy of pre-frontal areas of brain,
named after German physician Alois Alzheimer.)
Some Symptoms:
a) Sensorial depression
b) Profuse Muscular debility
c) Very weak memory; power of concentration diminishes drastically
d) Patient often gets afflicted with tinnitus, dizziness, vertigo etc
e) Puts things in wrong places
f) May wear warm clothes in summer and summer clothes in winter
1) Kali Phos 6x:
“The grey matter of the brain is controlled entirely by the inorganic cell-salt, potassium
phosphate. This salt unites with albumen, and by the addition of oxygen creates nervefluid, or the grey matter of the brain.” So, let it be taken twice a day. Besides, one should
take Ferrum Phos 6x before 12 noon and Calcarea Phos 6x in the evening. The trio will
take care of grey matter, albumen and oxygen.
2) Kali Brom 6x, thrice daily for some days:
In all diseases relating to mental functions, it is preferred. It removes nervous restlessness and sensor
disorders. It is highly suitable to a person who is afraid of darkness. He/she also fears being alone
and of losing mental faculty.
The patient feels better when active mentally or physically and worse when inactive.
Consumption of salt should be reduced to the minimum when Kali Brom is taken.
It takes care of ailments of obese persons. The patient is nervous, restless, cannot sit still, moves
about, and is often afflicted with feeling of numbness in the head. He imagines being singled out as an
object of divine wrath.
3) LITHIUM CHLORATUM, 6x thrice a day for a week:
Manic-depressive condition; symptoms of CINCHONISM (Dizzy head, ringing in ears, deafness,
blurring vision, headache, tremors, muscular & general weakness, sore nose and toothache.); Mental
shock; fears of various kinds are within its range of treatment.
4) Argentum Nit in 6x or 12x potency thrice daily for some days:
The patient suffers from impulses to jump out of the window, brain fag, vertigo, fear of death,
sensation of strangulation in the throat, and extreme nervousness.
Cow’s milk is one of the best sources of vitamin B12, which reduces chances of neurological damage
to the brain considerably. So drinking about half liter of cow’s milk daily protects against declining


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