

(Reduction in quantity or quality of blood or even both; an anaemic condition denotes deficiency of
calcium and iron phosphates & hemoglobin concentration in blood manifested by paleness of skin,
shortness of breath, palpitation of heart etc.)
a) Breathlessness on slightest exertion
b) Extreme prostration
c) Pallor occurs both in the skin and in the mucous membranes
d) Hemoglobin estimation determines the severity of anaemia
e) A mild or moderate degree of fever is common when anaemia is severe.
f) Deficiency of Calcium Phosphate resulting in non-creation of the red blood cells in bone
g) Lack of iron phosphate exhibits deficiency of hemoglobin
1) Ferrum Phos 3x & Calcarea Phos 3x: 4 grains of each together should be taken 3 times
daily for two weeks and thereafter at least twice per day for another two weeks or so. For
permanent cure the remedies may have to be taken for 6 weeks or more. Calcarea Phos
supplies new blood cells, removes excess of white corpuscles in the blood (helps in curing
leukemia). Ferrum Phos increases hemoglobin, helps in exchange of oxygen and carbonic acid
between lungs and the tissues.
2) Natrum Mur 12x is a great remedy for anaemia occurring after malaria. There may be
noticeable emaciation particularly in neck in spite of eating well. Consolation aggravates the
ailments of the patient. When the blood is thin, watery, not coagulating, and there is a feeling
of coldness in the back, it works wonders. It should be taken 4 hourly for a few days.
3) Vanadium 6x, thrice daily: It increases amount of hemoglobin. It also increases and
stimulates phagocytes. It destroys virulence of toxins. It softens brain. It removes degenerative
conditions of liver and arteries. It acts as a tonic to the digestive system.
4) Kali Mur 6x, thrice daily for some days, in case anemia is associated with skin eruptions.
5) Kali Phos 6x, thrice daily for some days, if blood poverty is due to mental strains. It cures
leukemia, cerebral & spinal anemia.
6) Natrum Phos 6x should be taken, if anemia is associated with acidic arising and worm
affections, every three hours for a fortnight or so.
7) Silicea 12x may be administered twice a day for a week, in case the lady suffers from
leucorrhea instead of menses.


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