Aphthae (Biochemic medicine)


(Small whitish ulcers on the mucous membranes of the mouth)
1) Borax 6x or 12x: Aphthae, in mouth, on the tongue, or inside of cheek; easily
bleeding while eating or being touched; whitish blisters or fungus-like growths in the
mouth which are painful; the patient may suffer from fear of thunder or from motions
which have a downward direction; it may be given 3 hourly for three days.
2) Nitric Acid 6x: Blisters & ulcers in soft palate with splinter-like sharp pains;
tongue clean or red; saliva acrid and offensive; the patient may fear death or may be
vindictive; may take 4 hourly for two or three days.
3) Arsenic Alb 12x: Aphthae with burning pains, great prostration, mental
restlessness, unquenchable thirst for cold water, but drinks little at a time; two or
three doses daily for a week.
4) Natrum Mur 6x: Aphthae with profuse flow of saliva & continuous spitting of
frothy mucus; to be alternated 2 hourly with Kali Mur 6x.
5) Acid Mur 6x, four times a day for 4/5 days: It is a good remedy for aphthous
mouth with swollen gums; deep ulcers on the tongue; fetid breath; great debility;
malignant affections.


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