Asthma (Biochemic medicine)
(Bronchial asthma also)
(Bronchial asthma is distinguished by almost constant breathing trouble, dyspnoea, dry cough.
There may be wheezing sound also. Inflammation of bronchial tube may be due to congestion
created by cough. It may also be due to an allergen or abnormal increase of eosinophils in blood.
It is a disease of respiration characterized by difficulty in breathing. It may be bronchial, cardiac,
catarrhal etc. When the elastic fiber in muscular tissue of the bronchial tube becomes deficient,
difficulty in breathing occurs.)
a) The patient has attacks in which he gasps for breath.
b) An attack commences with a cold or cough which lingers on and at times gets suppressed
due to wrong treatment.
c) The patient feels suffocated at night and sits up.
d) The wheezing increases despite medication. Bronchial asthma is characterized by attacks
of wheezing dyspnoea.
e) Allergy to certain foods, inhaled dust & pollens may be responsible.
1) Kali Phos 3x: Hay asthma from least food with expectoration thick, yellow, salty, foulsmelling, and depressed condition of nervous system, and shortness of breath when going
upstairs or on any exertion, worse cold air, noise, better heat and rest. It should be given in
frequent doses. It may be alternated every one or two hour with Kali Mur 3x when cardiac
asthma with gastric derangements and white coated tongue is present. A case-record in
Preface to Mitra’s Tissue Remedies is worth reading: “The first experience was the
wonderful cure of asthma, which prevented sleep and made the patient sit up in bed the
whole night in great distress. A single dose of one of the Tissue Remedies (Kali Phos), given
to the attending Allopathic physician by a friend, brought instantaneous relief to all the
sugfferings as if by magic and the patient lay flat and slept without any trouble.”
2) Bio-combination No. 2: “Nervous asthma accompanied by cough, gasping, irregular
pulse. Asthma with troublesome flatulence or spasms, convulsive tickling cough. Bronchial
asthma with yellow sputum, worse in the evening and in warm rooms, better in cool air;”
four tablets for adults, two for children, four times a day at intervals of three hours. In case
this combination suits the patient, it cures in a month or two entirely, it is observed. It
comprises of Kali Phos which introduces calming effect, Mag Phos which is an antispasmodic remedy, Natrum Mur which deals with symptoms resembling whooping cough,
and Natrum Sulph which cures humid asthma.
3) Arsenic Alb 12x: Fears suffocation, hence not able to lie down; great prostration,
mentally restless, physically too weak to move; dread of death when alone; burning pains
with great thirst for cold water; drinks often, but little at a time; worse cold drinks, and after
midnight, better heat, warm drinks. As it acts profoundly on every organ and tissue,
application of this remedy gives immediate relief to the patient. Let it be taken three times a
day for three days only. Thereafter, one may take any other medicine in conformity with the
then persisting symptoms.
4) Hepar Sulph 6x or 12x: It may be given 4 hourly for a certain period. Asthma better in
damp weather, worse in cold dry climate; craves sour things; sweats, yet pulls blanket
around him/her.
5) Calcarea Phos 6x & Kali Mur 6x: Lungs throw off certain organic matter in case a
deficiency of albumin and fibrin occurs. Calcarea Phos, if given in alternation with Kali Mur
every two hours, creates fibrin by union with albumen and thus supply the want and cures
bronchial asthma.
6) Kali Nit 6x or 12x, twice or thrice a day for a week: It is valuable in asthma, cardiac asthma,
with excessive dysponea, nausea, dry hacking cough and burning in chest, worse in the morning,
better by sips of water. Chest feels constricted.
7) Antim Tart 6x or 12x, thrice a day for 4/5 days: Great rattling of mucus but expectoration
negligible; must sit up or lie on the right side for relief.
8) Carbo Veg 6x or 12x, three times daily for a week: Asthma of old/debilitated people;
spasmodic cough with vomiting of mucus; bluish face with offensive expectoration and marked
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