Backache  (Biochemic medicine)

Backache  (Biochemic medicine)

1) Calcarea Fluor 12x & Natrum Mur 12x: 5 tablets of each, every 4 hours for two weeks;
Severe Pain in small of back on rising up, somewhat relieved by lying on something hard;
neck may be stiff & emaciated; lumbago aggravates on beginning to move, but improves after
continuous movement; worse at seaside, in cold weather and in the morning, better rubbing
and heat.
2) Kali Phos 6x & Mag Phos 6x: For backache especially in women, 5 grains of each may
be given together in hot water, half hourly, during the first day, increasing the duration fromthe next day drastically, even after improvement has taken place; shooting, shifting,
intermittent, neuralgic pains; the parts affected feel powerless, gentle motion lessens the pain
and stiffness, but too much exertion increases the ailment; cold air aggravates the pain, heat
relieves it.
3) Kali Mur 30x, Kali Phos 30x & Mag Phos 30x: Four Tablets of each medicine, if taken
twice a day with tea for a period of 15 days, cure backache, it is the experience of a few
patients, it has been reported.
4) Argentum Nitricum 6x, thrice a day for some days: Posterior spinal sclerosis; spine
sensitive with nocturnal pains. Intolerance of heat. Splinter-like pains; great desire for
sweets; sensation as if a limb was expanding; peculiar mental impulses; desires doing action
in a hurry; old-looking person.
5) Calcarea Fluor 12x, three times daily: Chronic backache in the lower portion aggravated
on movement, but ameliorated on continuous motion, worse resting, better by warmapplication.


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