Bad breath (Biochemic medicine)

Bad breath (Biochemic medicine)

1) Carbolic Acid 6x or 12x: 4 hourly for one week: horribly offensive breath is associated
with constipation; fermentative dyspepsia with bad taste and fetid breath & unpleasant smell;
putrid discharges; vital force sinks rapidly. Pains come suddenly, disappear suddenly.
2) Aurum Met 6x or 12x: 4 hourly for one week: Horrible odor from nose and mouth;
otorrhoea with excessively fetid discharge, pains worse at night; the patient talks of
committing suicide, although there is great fear of death. There may be foul breath in girls at
3) Kali Phos 6x: Ulcers of the mouth with very fetid offensive odor, profuse salty saliva,
and inflammation of soft tissues and mucous membranes. Twice per day sufficient, may be
given for two/three months continuously


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