Brain-fag (Biochemic medicine)

Brain-fag (Biochemic medicine)

(Highly nervous brain, mental exhaustion, cerebral depression)
a) Want of brain and nerve power
b) Nervous exhaustion
c) Defective vitality
d) Anemia
e) Patient suffers from hallucinations and delirium
a) Kali Phos 3x, 4x, or 6x: It restores nerve-power, removes depression of spirits, enhances
memory, reduces sleeplessness; should be taken thrice a day for a month or two as it may suit
the patient. Dr Schussler has recommended persistent use of Kali Phos 6x, a dose in the
morning, and Silicea 12x, a dose at night.
b) Calcarea Phos 6x: Loss of vigor, numb sensation, depression of spirits with nervous
prostration & profuse night-sweats leads to selection of this remedy along with Kali Phos,
since brain-fag is either due to deficiency of potassium phosphate (Kali Phos) or due to loss
of albumen. Use of Ferrum Phos 6x occasionally is good for proper supply of iron &
c) Calcarea Sulph 6x: “Usually Kali Phos is a good remedy to start with, it gets the mind in
good condition, and aided by Calcarea Phos, Ferrum Phos or Natrum Phos, dependent on
condition, soon begins the improvement. Then follow with Calcarea Sulph as soon as the
Phos has built up the nerve-cells, and the Sulph is needed to finish up the work which may
take from three months to two years or more.” (F. D. Bittinger, M. D., Dayton, Ohio)
d) Zincum Metallicum 6x or 12x: The patient suffers from cerebral depression, defective vitality,
brain-fag with forehead cool but base of brain hot, may have convulsive twitching, fidgety feet,
trembling; may roll head from side to side; cannot withstand smallest quantity of wine; natural
discharges relieve all sufferings; may be given three times a day for two or three days or as may
suit the patient


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