Bronchiectasis (Biochemic medicine)

Bronchiectasis (Biochemic medicine)

(Permanent dilatation of one or both bronchi due to infection)
Signs & symptoms:
a) Expectoration of large amount of purulent sputum
b) The sputum sometimes is offensive or stained with blood
1) Antimonium Ars 6x or 12x: Let it be taken thrice a day. It is useful in
bronchiectasis & emphysema (loss of elasticity of lungs with progressive difficulties
to exhale) with excessive dyspnoea and cough having much mucous secretion, worse
on eating and lying down. There may be pneumonia associated with influenza, leftsided pleurisy, myocarditis and oedema of face.
2) Silicea 12x: It is given 4 hourly for 15/30 days when there is abscess of lungs,
chronic bronchitis, pneumonia, phthisis and/or empyema (purulent exudate in pleural
cavity), profuse night-sweat & debility, inflammation of the respiratory tract and
copious expectoration of thick greenish yellow pus. Calcarea Sulph 6x follows it
well when expectoration is yellow or yellowish green or mixed with blood.


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