(Calcarea Fluoride)
It occurs in Nature in the mineral fluorspar. It contains ‘58.21 parts of
It is a constituent of:
a) The surface of the bones.
b) The enamel of the teeth.
c) The epidermic cells.
d) The elastic tissues.
It favors easy confinement.
A loss of its power to unite with organic substances leads to dilatation
or relaxed condition of the fibers, causing varicose veins, hemorrhoids,
relaxation of the abdominal walls hence ‘hanging belly’
, displacement
of the uterus, enlargement of heart, hard tumors especially in breast. The
skeleton acquires a tendency to form exostoses. Glandular indurations
and styes may occur. It is known as a Gland Remedy.
“When a fibrinous exudation is not dissolved by suppuration, but has
hardened, Calc Fluor must be given.” (Schussler)
Calc Fluor has proved curative in:
1) Hard swellings on the bones
2) Hemorrhoids; may be alternated with Ferrum Phos, if need be, also
applied locally.
3) Hard tumors in breast; may be alternated with Silicea, if need be.
4) Weak ligaments of the uterus, with tendency to prolapse;
displacement of the uterus.
5) Lumbago on movement; cracking sound in joints during movement.
6) Whitlow
7) Cataract of the eyes; blurred vision, with pain; ulceration of cornea if
the edges are hard.
8) Styes (Silicea also)
9) Varicose or enlarged Veins, chief remedy
10) Early aging of the skin
11) Cracked lips
12) Teeth loose in their sockets; rapid decay of teeth; toothache when
any food touches teeth; ugly tooth.
13) Chronic swelling of the tongue, with cracked appearance
14) Elongation of the uvula
15) Inability to expel the feces due to a relaxed condition of the rectum.
16) Dropsy of the testicles; indurated and nodular testes; hydrocele.
17) Excessive menses.
18) Enlargement of the heart
19) Telangietasis (localized dilation of small blood vessels)
20) Arteriosclerosis (hardening & thickening of artery walls)
21) Cephalhaematoma (collection of blood in scalp of newborn infant);
blood tumor in scalp of new born baby.
22) Groundless fears of financial ruin.
23) True croup (inflammation of larynx & trachea, characterized by
suffocative breathing), chief remedy
24) Obesity in alternation with Calc Phos.
25) Severely painful and swollen cheeks, in alternation with Silicea.
26) Mitral stenosis along with osteoarthritis (it is a guiding symptom).
27) Patient cannot complete micturition as the residual remains in
urinary bladder.
28) Osseous growths.
29) Phalanges are easily dislocated.
30) Uterine fibroids.
Modalities: Worse in damp weather and rest; better by cold fomentation,
rubbing and heat.