(Calcium Phosphate)
It is a constituent of:
a) Productive soils
b) All the cells of the body
c) Body fluids
1. It builds and strengthens the body.
2. It helps in formation of proteins.
3. It supplies new blood cells.
4. It acts as a true tonic.
5. It unites with albumen and gives solidity to the bones.
6. It aids the union of fractured bones.
7. It offers restorative power after acute diseases.
8. It aids digestion.
9. It promotes proper growth & nutrition in children.
It is a remedy for –
1) Anaemia & Chlorosis (let it be alternated with Ferrum Phos).
2) Bright’s disease, secretion of albumen in urine; albuminuria.
3) Chronic cold; frequent recurrence of cold.
4) Pimples, especially of girls.
5) Polyp (nasal, rectal or uterine).
6) Enlarged tonsils.
7) Involuntary sighing.
8) Fistula in ano alternating with chest pains.
9) Rheumatism with cold or numb feeling.
10) Rickets; lack of vitamin D.
11) Leukemia; Excess of white corpuscles.
12) Chronic Hydrocephalus.
13) Freckles (small patches of sun-burn).
14) Delayed dentition; toothache worse at night; chief remedy in all
teething disorders; “If the gums be pale this remedy is especially
indicated.” (Schussler); slow in learning to walk; delayed steps of
15) Obesity in alternation with Calc Fluor.
16) Cancer.
17) Oophoritis (inflammation of ovary).
18) Orchitis (inflammation of testis).
19) Vertigo in alternation with Ferrum Phos.
20) Dropsy of the brain.
21) Squinting.
22) Blisters on tip of tongue.
23) Goitre (chronic enlargement of thyroid gland); chief remedy.
24) Poor digestion; vomiting after cold drinks.
25) Infant cries when nurses.
26) Leucorrhoea as a constitutional tonic.
27) Injuries of the coccyx.
28) Weak and friable bones.
29) Itching of vagina; burning in vagina.
30) Tuberculosis in alternation with Ferrum Phos
31) Excessive perspiration in alternation with Silicea.
32) Flatulence in alternation with Mag Phos.
33) Herpes with itching.
34) Barking cough.
35) Crawling and creeping sensation in the limbs.
36) Slow comprehension.
37) Milk aggravates all symptoms.
38) Persistent sexual thought; nymphomania worse before menses.
39) Sensation as if parts were asleep.
40) Coldness all over the body; cold sweat on forehead.
41) Infertility owing stiffness of cervix.
42) Uterine displacement with rheumatic pains.
Worse at night, change of weather, getting wet; better warm weather, and
lying down & rest.
It is known as a Bone Remedy.