(Calcium Sulphate, Plaster of Paris)
The bile contains it. It destroys worn-out red blood corpuscles in the
liver by eliminating their water, and excreting the remnants through
biliary action. Hence the blood does not contain useless cells. It cures
purulent excretions from the mucous membranes. It removes purulent
exudations from serous sacs. It cures tuberculous ulcers of the
intestines, also ulceration or deep seated abscess of the cornea. It is
known as an Ulcer Remedy. “The presence of pus with a vent is the
general indication” (Boricke & Dewey). It is a constituent of all
connective tissues. It increases blood coagulation. It stimulates
It controls yellow colored suppuration, which may be tinged with blood.
“While Silicea hastens the process of suppuration in a normal manner,
Calc Sulph closes up the process at the proper time.” George W. Carey.
If the face is covered with pimples and pustules, which continue to
suppurate, it is the remedy, and may be alternated with Silicea.
In kidney ailments, it is beneficial after Natrum Sulph has been
It is a remedy for:
1) Abscess, boils, carbuncles, even third stage.
2) Gum-boils (an almost absolute specific).
3) Suppurating tonsillitis/bronchial catarrh.
4) Chronic foul smelling cold (maxillary sinus).
5) Fistula; Silicea may be alternated.
6) Chronic rheumatism.
7) Insomnia; sleepy during the day, wakeful at night.
8) Ear discharge tinged with blood.
9) Herpetic eruptions, especially on face.
10) Cystitis & nephritis in alternation with Silicea.
11) Gonorrhoea.
12) Suppurating syphilis.
13) Headache after other remedies have failed; sensation of nail in the
14) Chronic neglected diseases.
15) Burning & itching of soles & feet.
16) Third stage of pneumonia when there is rattling in the chest.
17) Obstinate hoarseness.
18) Weeping eczemas.
19) Sudden loss of memory.
20) Vertigo with deadly nausea.
21) Injury to the eye from a splinter.
22) Abscess of the prostate.
23) Prolapsus ani, in alternation with Calc Fluor.
24) Empyema, pus forming in the lungs/pleural cavities.
25) Hip-joint disease with discharge of pus in alternation with Ferrum
26) Evening fever with chilliness.
27) Last stage of consumption when the expectoration is purulent.
28) Yellow mucus with streaks of senile blood.
29) Sanious dysentery.
30) Suppuration burns.
31) It possesses magical action on Anal Fistula.
Modalities: Worse from getting wet & walking fast; warm dry climate
aids the action of the remedy

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