Cancer (Biochemic medicine)

Cancer (Biochemic medicine)

(A malignant growth or tumor anywhere in the body, eats the affected part, tends to spread
indefinitely, returns after removal violently. Yoga and meditation provide relief. Bio-chemic
remedies provide resistance, pain relief and mental support. Cancer cells do not thrive in
oxygenated condition. Vegetables like cauliflower, cabbage and tomatoes are rich in vitamins A,
B, E, so act as anti-oxidants.)
a) Look out for a lump which grows in the breast or elsewhere in the body
b) An ulcer that does not heal quickly
c) Prolonged Bleeding
d) Persistent cough lasting more than two weeks
e) Changes in moles, warts, bowels
1) Kali Mur 3x: Tumors arise primarily from a Kali Mur deficiency which causes an excess
of fibrin in the organism and leads to a tumor. Recent cases of cancer of the breast with
prominent symptom of softness & tenderness are curable by use of Kali Mur 3x thrice a day
for several days.
2) Ferrum Phos 3x: It is an excellent alternating remedy for excessive pains in cancer.
“Cancer of tongue has been greatly benefited by Ferrum Phos” and “Natrum Phos”. So both
can be alternated in 3x or 6x trituration two hourly for days together.
3) Calcarea Fluor 3x: It should be given every three hours for a considerable period of time
for easy handling of Hard lumps, knots, kernels, shiny painful swellings in the female breast,
blood tumors on the heads of infants, ganglion, encysted tumors, hardened glands, tumors of
the eyelids, hard swelling on the jawbone. It is the constitutional mineral-salt for hard or firmgrowths or for tough lumps.
4) Kali Phos 3x: It greatly ameliorates the pain in cancer with extremely offensive
discharge and dis-coloration of the tissues, and is quite useful where the malignant tumor has
been removed and is in the healing process. Let it be taken thrice a day for a month or two.
5) Kali Sulph 6x: It is given two times a day for several days to cure epithelial cancer (Skin
cancer), with thin yellow or greenish secretions or for those who are better in the cool or
cold open air.
6) Silicea 12x: It is a remedy in the cases of multiple keloid, tubercular tumors of the neck,
scirrhus induration of the upper lip and face, uterine cancer, suppurating lumps for those who
are generally chilly and seek the warmth. Two doses per diem for several days will be
7) Calcarea Phos 6x: It is good for cancer in scrofulous constitutions, goiter, house-maid’s knee,
nasal polyp, bursae, acute or chronic cysts when taken two times a day for some days. It is followed
by Calcarea Sulph 3x well.
8) Radium Bromide 6x or 12x: It is required for ulcers & cancers due to Radium burns or
consequential to any other cause. To reduce severe pain in any tissue or organ, which is worse at
night, better hot bath, it should be given thrice a day for ten days.
9) Eye Cancer: For bony tumors of the orbit, Kali Hyd 1x 2 drops in water should be taken 3 times a
day; if there is intense pain over eyes and root of nose, with facial neuralgia & profuse lachrymation,
worse warm room and at night; cold food and drink especially milk aggravates.
10) Cancer of tongue: Kali Cynatum 6x is quite beneficial in cancer and ulcers of the tongue. There
may be sudden sinking sensation, agonizing neuralgia and loss of power of speech. Symptoms may
worsen from 4 a. m. to 4 p. m. It may be taken thrice daily.
11) Cancer of throat: In case the patient takes cold easily, almost always suffers from swollen tonsils
with pain in pharynx or larynx, can only swallow liquids and befriends grief over trifles, Baryta Carb
12x three times a day will be beneficial. Nose, Larynx, Lungs may feel as if smoke inhaled. It is slow
in action, bears repetition well.
12) Cancer of Uterus: For cancer of uterus, if the patient also suffers from dropsy, offensive bloody
leucorrhoea with burning pain in uterus and vagina and deficiency of hemoglobin and red corpuscles,
Calcarea Ars 6x should be given 3 hourly and no harm in giving Calcarea Phos 6x simultaneously.
13) Cancer of Ovary, vagina, cervix, uterus: Aurum Mur Nat 3x “has more power over uterine tumors
than any other remedy.” Chronic metritis (inflammation of uterus), ossified uterus, ulceration of the
neck of womb and vagina with leucorrhoea, hardened cervix & ovaries, ovarian dropsy (morbid
accumulation of watery fluid in ovary), inadequate shrinkage of uterus after delivery, high blood
pressure, are some of the guiding symptoms. Let it be given thrice a day for some days.
14) Epithelial Cancer: Kali Ars in 6x potency cures epithelial cancer. It may be given three hourly for
some days. Kali Sulph and Kali Ars together are also very effective.
15) Cancer of testicles: Aurum Met 6x or 12x very useful in atrophy of testicles, chronic swelling and
pain thereof, if taken thrice a day for a few days.
16) Cancer of Pancreas: Pancreas secretes digestive enzymes and insulin. Calcarea Ars 6x gives
relief in cancer of pancreas considerably if slightest exertion worsens the sufferings and liver and
spleen are enlarged. It may be taken three hourly for some days.
17) Cancer of Prostate: In prostate hypertrophy, Ars Iod and Calcarea Carb, both in 6x potency thrice
a day for a fortnight or so are of unquestioned value.
18) Cancer of pylorus and duodenum: Graphites 12x, twice daily for some days eradicates cancer of
pylorus if administered early. It is also very good for duodenal ulcers; breath smells like urine. The
patient has a tendency to obesity.
A special note on Cancer, AIDS & other fatal diseases:
Foremost is your own firm faith in you yourself, Blessings of God, and completely stress-free life.
The unlimited power of the intrinsic faith converts the medicine into an omniscient remedy, and cures
howsoever deadly the disease may be. Tension, worry, anxiety, on the other hand, convert a medicine
into crude drug and reduce its efficacy. Proper medical supervision is essential.


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