CATARACT  (Biochemic medicine)

CATARACT  (Biochemic medicine)

(CLOUDING OFEYE-LIDS; Loss of transparency of the lens of the eye)
a) Calcarea Fluor 6x: Dr R. S. Copeland prescribed it in the case of senile cataract and observed
great improvement in sight. In the Homoeopatische Monatsbatter 1882, page 95, a report on thirteen
cases of cataract appeared in which it was stated that eleven were cured with Calcarea Fluor and for
the remainder two cases administration of Kali Mur was also required. So let it be taken twice or
thrice a day for two/three months followed by Kali Mur 6x similarly.
b) Natrum Mur & Silicea both in 3x potency may be alternated subsequently for some days. It would
improve dimness of vision.
c) For cataract appearing with lupus, tuberculosis, gout or cancer, Calcarea Phos 6x will be needed


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