Chicken-pox (Biochemic medicine)

Chicken-pox (Biochemic medicine)

(Acute contagious disease occurring usually in children with fever accompanied by sparse eruption of
papules, which turn into vesicles and thereafter into pustules; incubation period being 14 to 18 days.)
Signs & Symptoms:
a) The rash usually appears within 24 hours of the onset.
b) In 38 to 48 hours it turns into pustules.
c) By the 4
th day the pustules shrivel and form crusts.
d) Pains in the back, vomiting, pyrexia are milder than in small pox.
Remedies: (The same remedies are very good for Small-pox also. It has been eradicated. So we have
not dealt with it separately.)
2) Ferrum Phos 3x: The treatment may be commenced with Ferrum Phos, which alone may
serve the purpose. It may be alternated with Kali Mur 3x, 2 hourly, when vesicles open and if
white coated tongue is seen, as the basic cause of chicken-pox is a deficiency of the
inorganic salt Kali Mur. When the skin is dry, rough, hot or when desquamation sets in,
alternate Kali Sulph 6x with Ferrum Phos.
3) “If the pustules become purulent Calcarea Sulphurica is indicated. Should symptoms of
adynamia and of decomposition of the blood arise, Kali Phosphoricum is to be given. When
the pustules are confluent Natrum Muriaticum is called for” Dr Schussler.
Preventive of Chicken-pox, Small-pox:
Kali Mur 3x twice daily for a week


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