Symptoms comprise of flushed face, fever, quick full pulse, hot dry
skin, thirst, pain, redness of the parts, flaccid muscle fibers, blue
veins, florid complexion.
Salient features:
1) It colors the blood corpuscles red.
2) It improves the quality of blood to fight illness adequately.
3) It carries oxygen to all parts of the body.
4) It gives strength to the arteries.
5) It toughens the circular walls of the blood.
6) It supplies iron which nourishes cells. Iron attracts oxygen fromthe air we breathe.
7) It regulates the bowels. So deficiency causes diarrhea or
8) It is a remedy for all diseases which appear suddenly.
9) Its deficiency causes inflammatory conditions, colds, cough etc.
10) It cures hemorrhages caused by hyperemesis.
11) It takes care of fresh wounds caused by mechanical injuries.
12) Pains worse motion, excitement, warmth; better from cold and
Other features:
Mind: Loss of courage and hope; “trifles seem like mountains”;
cunningness; puerperal mania.
Head: Hammering pain, worse right side; head sore to the touch; cold
applications relieve pain; headache when moving/stooping.
Eyes: There may be acute conjunctivitis; retinitis; ‘Sensation as if
grains of sand under eyelids.’
Ears: First stage of otitis; noises in the ear, roaring like running
Nose: Predisposition to cold; Epistaxis (bleeding from nose); in the
case of coryza, one tablet every 15 minutes may be taken three times.
Tongue: Clean and red with headache.
Teeth: Toothache, worse with hot, better with cold liquids/food.
Throat: Dry, red, inflamed, ulcerated with fever; first stage of
diphtheria; loss of voice after speaking or singing; barking cough.
Stomach: Thirst for cold water; burning, sore pain in pit of stomach;
first stage of gastritis; vomiting of undigested food or bright red
blood; pain after taking the smallest quantity of food, relieved by
cold drinks.
Abdomen: Inflammation of liver; incarcerated hernia; watery stools;
diarrhea caused by a chill; constipation.
Urinary Organs: Frequent desire to urinate or incontinence of urine.
Respiratory organs: The first remedy for coughs & colds; congestion
of the lungs, acute or chronic.
Febrile conditions: All catarrhal and inflammatory fevers; rheumatic,
gastric, enteric, typhoid and intermittent fevers; simple cases of
scarlet fevers.
a) It is the first remedy in every ‘itis’. So it is a remedy in
bronchitis, conjunctivitis, endocarditis (inflammation of
membrane, lining interior of the heart), gastritis, laryngitis,
mastitis (inflammation of mammary gland), meningitis,
nephritis (inflammation of kidneys), oophritis
(inflammation of ovary) pericarditis (inflammation of outer
serous covering of the heart), periostitis, phlebitis
(inflammation of veins) pleuritis, retinitis, tonsillitis,
vaginitis etc.
b) It is the first remedy for inflammation, colds, influenza,
fevers, scarlet fever, whooping cough, measles, pleurisy,
rheumatism, neuritis, mechanical injury, haemorrhages,
leukemia, hyperemia etc.
c) It is also the first remedy for abscesses, carbuncles, boils,
felons etc.
d) In anemia & chlorosis, follow or precede Calc Phos; in
hemorrhoids, alternate with Calc Fluor; in diabetes, use
Natrum Sulph alternately; in headaches, let it be followed by
Natrum Phos; in inflammation of the prostate gland, and fever
Kali Mur follows well.
e) Strains and sprains require this remedy in the first place, so
does lumbago & stiff neck.
f) ‘It acts brilliantly in old people.’
g) It exists in all cells, is related to several enzymatic
processes, and plays a significant role in fighting infections.
Valuable Comments:
“Every family should have Ferrum Phosphoricum.”
(H. G. Jaedicke)
“The red corpuscles in the blood have their cycle of life, comprising
from two to six weeks, and on their disintegration the iron from them is
stored in the liver until it is used again. Healthy kidneys hold back much
of the iron that would be otherwise lost in the urine, though some part
of the body’s iron content is lost in the process of sloughing of skin,
perspiration and through feces.” (Editors of B. Jain)
“A hyperaemia resulting from mechanical injury will be removed by this
remedy, and under its use fresh wounds, not yet suppurating, quickly
heal… Several farmers have, upon my advice, given with constant
success Ferrum Phosphoricum to sows which had become possessed
with the mania of eating their young. This disorder, mania transitoria, is
dependent upon hyperaemia of the brain.” (Dr Schussler)