Gout, rheumatism, and rheumatoid arthritis (Biochemic medicine)

Gout, rheumatism, and rheumatoid arthritis (Biochemic medicine)

(Inflammation, pain & stiffness of articular joints)
a) Pain and impaired movements comprise of chief symptoms.
b) Pain originates from bone or periosteum, the synovial of the joints, the tendons, ligaments
or muscles.
c) Bone pain is usually continuous and aching in character whereas that of joints etc is often
sharp, accompanied by a feeling of stiffness.
d) A loss in weight coupled with mental and physical debility constitutes the onset of
Rheumatoid Arthritis. There may be swelling of the finger joints, especially of the second
and third fingers.
e) The disease spreads from outwards within, from finger-joints to wrists, ankles, knees,
elbows, shoulders till it reaches spine.
1) Radium Bromide 6x or 12x: For chronic rheumatic arthritis and gout, with severe
pain in all the limbs and joints, especially in knee and ankles, also in neck, shoulders,
arms, hands, fingers and toes, Radium Bromide has been found very effective. The
pains are worse at night, better moving about, hot bath and pressure. It may be given 6
hourly for some days.
2) Calcarea Carb 6x or 12x: When the pain worsens in damp weather, but is better by
movement, 6 doses 6 hourly may be taken.
3) Natrum Phos 6x: Articular Rheumatism arises from an acid condition of the blood.
It is due to deficiency of sodium phosphate. It is therefore essential that Natrum Phos
6x is given in alternation with Ferrum Phos 6x every 4 hour for some days, in 5 grain
doses, in case the patient suffers from acute and chronic gout/ rheumatism. Natrum
Sulph 6x is also very good and in fact is the chief remedy for chronic gout, which is
worse in rainy weather. It also can be alternated with Ferrum Phos safely. The Patient
should abstain from wines, liquors and rich food.
4) Bio-combination No. 19 comprising of Ferrum Phos, Mag Phos, Kali Sulph,
Natrum Sulph, 6 hourly, in doses of 5 tablets: The combination covers fever, lumbago,
sciatica, muscular rheumatism. There may be shooting and stabbing pains in the joints
of legs or arms, worse at night.
5) Argentum Nitricum 6x or 12x, daily thrice for a few days: Great desire for sweets
and intolerance of heat are very characteristic. Pains increase and decrease gradually.
Severe backache with sensitive spine and nocturnal pains occurs; posterior spinal
sclerosis; Impotence, erection fails when coition attempted.
6) Kali Bichromicum 6x or 12x, twice a day for 4/5 days: Pain in small spots; pains
fly rapidly from one limb to the other, worse cold.
7) Lithium Carbonicum 6x or 12x: It is effective if chronic rheumatism afflicts the
patient with heart lesions and asthenopia (weak/painful vision); gout and tophus with
uric acid diathesis; swelling and tenderness of small joints, fingers & toes, better hot
water. It may be given twice a day for a week.
8) Lithium Lacticum 6x or 12x twice or thrice a day for a week: It is curative in
rheumatism of shoulders and small joints, worse rest, better moving about.
9) Calcarea Phos 6x, twice a day for a month or two: It is effective in arthritis of the
neck and shoulders with weak and soft bones.


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