(Magnesium Phosphoricum)
Molecules of phosphate of magnesia exist in the white fibers of the
nerves and muscles of the human body primarily, and are controlled by
the molecular motion of this mineral-salt. When a deficiency of this
mineral-salt occurs, the white fibers contract and cause violent spasms,
cramps, convulsions, colic & contractions in muscles. It corresponds to
pains of all kinds except burning pains. The pains are invariably
spasmodic in character, lightning-like & shooting, accompanied by a
constrictive sensation, often shifting, and are relieved by warmapplication, heat, bending double and firm pressure, worse from cold
air/cold water, generally on the right side. Great prostration and
sometimes profuse sweat accompanies the attack.
Mag Phos is purely anti-spasmodic & analgesic. It induces functional
activity of the motor nerves. For quick relief in the case of cramps or
colic, seven grains of Mag Phos in 6x potency is dissolved in half glass
of hot water, stirred often and a sip is taken every 3 minutes, seven
times. It cures.
It suits lean, thin, emaciated, nervous and restless persons, susceptible
to migraines. It lowers the cholesterol level in the blood. Its main
targets are the central nervous system, the peripheral nerves, the muscles
and hollow organs. Mag Phos patient often changes position of
Mag Phos is the curative remedy for:
1) Spasms, may be of glottis (vocal apparatus of larynx), cramps in the
calf muscles, tetanus, tonic spasms, chorea (St.Vitus’s dance, disease of
nervous system which causes spasmodic involuntary movements of face
or other limbs), spasmodic retention of urine. Every muscle of the body
twitches from the eyes to the toes.
“Farmers give, with prompt results, Magnesia Phosphorica for cramp
colic and flatulent colic of horses, and for acute flatulent distension
(meteorism) of cattle.” (Schussler)
2) Flatulent colic of children and new-born.
3) Paroxysmal cough in children and watery diarrhea with body-ache.
4) Whooping cough (best in 200x potency)
5) Membranous dysmenorrhea, flow dark, clotted, intermittent.
6) Yawning and shivering, involuntary motion of hands, if spasmodic.
7) Lock-Jaw; should also be rubbed into the gums frequently.
8) Goiter; chronic enlargement of thyroid gland.
9) Obstinate gastralgia; 2x potency preferable
10) “Loss of sense of smell, or perversion of the sense of smell under
certain conditions, not connected with cold; a course of this remedy
helps.” (Schussler)
11) Spasmodic squinting, double vision, drooping of the eyelids.
12) Spasmodic stammering.
13) True spasmodic cough.
14) Paralysis in alternation with Kali Phos.
15) Obstinate singultus (hiccup)
16) “Cancer (one of the chief remedies, rather high potencies, single
doses, then low and repeated ones.)” (Dr Med. Eric Graf Von Der
Goltz); let it be alternated with Calcarea Phos.
17) Colic around umbilical region; it stops the desire for chocolates.
18) Toothache, sharp, shooting, spasmodic, when heat relieves, cold
aggravates; cannot brush with cold water.
19) Asthma when flatulence troubles.
20) Angina Pectoris, spasmodic palpitation of the heart; apex beat
visible from the clothing; constriction in chest
21) Hypertrophy of the prostate gland.

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