(Sodium Chloride)
Human body is composed of about 70% water which will be useless if
there is deficiency of Natrum Mur.
It is a constituent of fluids and solids of the body. It regulates moisture
within the cells. It is a carrier of moisture to each and every cell of the
body. It attracts the water for distribution in the organism and to build
up and carry on the functions of life whereas Natrum Sulph attracts the
water which is in excess to eliminate it from the organism. Dryness of
some mucous membranes and copious watery discharge from others are
consequential to deficiency of sodium chloride (Natrum Mur).
Besides, Natrum Mur regulates the osmotic pressure, and keeps acid
base balance. It assists in formation of new cells. It stimulates the
formation of red blood corpuscles. Sodium unites with carbonic acid
and enters the blood as sodium carbonate. The dissolved chlorine
becomes Hydrochloric acid and helps in curing dyspepsia.
The tongue has clean and shiny appearance with bubbles of saliva.
There may be violent thirst for large quantities of water and a longing
for salty food and aversion to bread.
Natrum Mur is also useful in:-
1) It is the chief remedy for sunstroke; 12x potency to be used.
2) Muscular asthenopia (weak/ painful vision); no better remedy.
3) Hammering headache worse morning; hemicrania.
4) Roaring in ears, cracking when chewing.
5) Loss of smell and taste with coryza.
6) Toothache with involuntary flow of tears or salivation.
7) Mumps with salivation, and frequent coughing of salty mucus.
8) Delirium Tremens.
9) Menses with terrible sadness.
10) Dry short cough, day and night.
11) Backache relieved by lying on something hard; uterine troubles
relieved by lying on back on a pillow; spinal irritation with rigidity of
12) The patient dreams of robbers in the house.
13) Effects of insect-bites. (Moisten the spot and apply thereto NatrumMur in 6x potency, rubbing it in, pain ceases. This external application
cures rapidly.)
14) Anemia & chlorosis, after Ferrum Phos and Calcarea Phos have
been given.
15) Aphthae with flow of saliva, alternate with Kali Mur.
16) Indigestion with watery vomiting.
17) Diarrhea alternating with constipation.
18) Neuralgic nerve pains.
19) Hay fever
20) Eczema with white scales; eczema on eyebrows.
21) Herpetic eruptions especially in bends of knee and elbow, or around
anus; miliary eruptions.
22) Dropsy in any part of the body.
23) Falling out of hair (1x solution externally)
24) Cracked fingertips.
25) Leucoderma; white scales on the scalp, skin blisters between thigh
and scrotum with acrid discharge.
26) Intermittent fever after the abuse of quinine and by living in damp
region; thirst before and during the chill.
27) Sterility.
28) Leukemia (blood cancer); in the opinion of Dr Willmar Schwabe “It
has favorable effect on deficient blood composition.” Dr E. P. Anshutz
has written that “It has proved curative in Leukemia.”
29) Chronic facial eczema.
30) Pleurisy with watery exudations.
31) If the patient consumes salt and alcohol excessively, he requires it
for reducing this craving considerably.
32) Painful constriction of hamstrings with emaciated limbs.
33) Abundant leucorrhoea with unnatural dryness of vagina.
The patient tires easily, and loses weight. He/she is chilly and often
suffers from cold, and the breath is foetid. Fatigue, exhaustion,
readiness to shed tears, weak memory and increased salivation are
typical signs of a patient of Natrum Mur. Complaints develop slowly.
The patient is better in open air, evening, by fasting or sitting; worse
sea-shore, morning, heat of the sun; consolation also aggravates.

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