(Sodium Sulphate)
Natrum Sulph appears in the intercellular fluids. It eliminates the
superfluous water formed during the retrogressive metamorphosis of the
cells; it removes metabolic wastes, de-toxicates the organism, and
stimulates the bile flow as it has good effect on the cells and the nerves
of bile ducts, intestines and pancreas. It increases the secretion of
pancreatic fluid, so if diabetes mellitus is caused by a lessened secretion
of pancreatic juice, it is the remedy.
People with deficiency of this salt are liable to malarial affections as
they are not able to remove excess water from the blood. It is therefore
the chief remedy for malarial, intermittent, yellow fevers, dropsy,
edematous erysipelas, moist eczema, humid asthma, hydraemia, dengue,
spinal meningitis, uric acid diathesis.
“Natrum Sulph takes away water from worn-out leucocytes, and thereby
accomplishes their disintegration. It is, therefore, the remedy for
leucaemia.” (Boericke and Dewey) This cell-salt possesses natural
affinity for oxygen & water and so helps in acquiring true health.
The chief characteristic of Natrum Sulph is “a dirty greenish-gray or
greenish-brown coating on the root of the tongue and aggravation fromlying on the left side.”
The patients are worse from wet weather, dampness, moisture, and better
in dry and warm atmosphere.
Besides, Natrum Sulph has proved curative in:
1) Mental troubles from injury to the head. The patient may be of
wild nature with suicidal tendency. Music aggravates ailments.
2) Headache on top of the head with giddiness and hot feeling.
The patient strikes his head against any hard substance.
3) Burning of the edges of the eyelids worse in the morning and
near the fire.
4) Ringing in the ears as of bells.
5) Nosebleed before and during menses. Menses profusely acrid
and corrosive.
6) Toothache better by tobacco smoke and holding cold water in
the mouth although patients always feel chilly, and cannot get
warm even in bed at night.
7) Secretions are watery and yellowish-green or green.
8) Loose morning stools worse in cold wet weather.
9) Hydrocele; itching of genitals.
10) Hands and feet twitch during sleep.
11) Crops of soft warts. (6x potency. Lotions of 3x potency
to be applied, also for soft swellings of erysipelas.)
12) Tendency to warts around eyes, scalp, face, chest, anus
13) Erysipelas smooth, red, shiny, tingling.
14) Eczema, with watery exudations and biliousness.
15) All skin diseases, with exudation of yellowish water.
16) Pemphigus with watery vesicles all over the body, marked
by clusters of large flaccid blisters.
17) Cutting pains in the left chest and left hip.
Predisposition to gall bladder, liver diseases, and jaundice of
bilious type, frequent flatulent colic. Rheumatism with
biliousness. Pains around hips & knees.
18) Biliousness and flatulence.
19) Chorea (disease of nervous system causing spasmodic
involuntary movements of face or other limbs) with constipation.
20) Tape worms; prolonged use expels.
21) Lead Colic.
22) Ulcerated sore throat with green vomiting and constant
23) Low fevers.
24) Vomiting of pregnancy.
25) Kidney disorders; chronic gonorrhoea and sycosis; sandy
deposits in urine; urine with excessive uric acid; sugar in urine.
26) It has an anti-inflammatory effect.
27) It stimulates the excretion of inflammatory substances.
28) It reduces craving for bitter foods.
29) It saves us from bacterial and flu-viral attacks.
30) It acts as a gentle cleansing remedy for all cells and helps us to
defy the burden of winter.
31) For prolonged ulceration, even after use of antibiotics, it has
given very good results.
32) Syphilitic condylomata.
33) Sciatica when getting up from sitting or turning in bed, no relief
in any position.
Before concluding the article, if I narrate below a clinical report in
asthma from exertion, it may be of interest to the readers:
“Mr C. has for years had an attack of asthmatic breathing, so marked as
to herald his approach at some distance, and coming on after any
unusual exercise. He is a tall, strong man, with no history of long
trouble, albeit rather narrow-chested. Examination of the lungs during a
period of remission disclosed no lesion or abnormal sounds, except
coarse rales along the larger bronchi. An especially severe attack,
brought on by severe physical exertion,
“the worst spell” he has ever
had, was promptly relieved by Natr. Sulph., and occasional doses since
have caused the attacks to disappear almost entirely for the first time in
many summers” (Wm. E. Leonard, M.D.).

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