(Silicic Acid)
The epidermis of wheat and other cereals contain Silicea. Eating whole grain products provides the normal need for this mineral-salt.
Silicea suits the person whose connective tissues are weak to react to infections, and whose skin does not heal easily. It is a constitutional
remedy. It enhances the power of resistance. It assists in assimilation of calcium from the food. It does calcium metabolism. It stimulates the
phagocytes to fight infections. It helps in the formation of proteins in the bones. It lowers the uric acid in the blood. A deficiency of Silicea causes a deficiency of an essential nutrient of the brain and nerves, evidencing poor memory, difficult thinking process, absent-mindedness.
Urate of soda deposited in arthritic joints is dissolved by Silicea. Silicea is a remedy if skin heals with difficulty and suppurates easily. It cures septic and fistulous infections. It ripens abscesses since it promotes suppuration. Calcarea Sulph heals suppurating wounds as it restrains suppuration. It follows Silicea well in suppurating processes. Silicea is known as “SURGICAL TISSUE REMEDY.” It is a remedy for suppurating, rattling, loose, copious expectoration of thick, yellowgreen pus with hectic fever, profuse night sweat and great debility; suppurating stage of pneumonia.
“Silicea cures chronic gouty rheumatic affections by means of its stimulating effects of the involved connective tissue cells, compelling
these to throw off the accumulated urates through the lymphatics”
(Boericke & Dewey).
In addition to the above, Silicea has proved curative in:
1) Menses with icy cold feeling all over.
2) Headache from the occiput towards eyes, better from wrapping up
3) Sweating on the hairy parts of the head, and on the feet; the sweat is
cold, sour and smelly.
4) Frequent meteorism (swelling of the abdomen owing presence of gas)
5) Obstipation (severe constipation); stools comprising of hard balls
almost impossible to expel; stools recede after having partially expelled.
6) Alopecia
7) Spinal irritation, nausea, spasmodic acrid leucorrhea, ameliorated by
8) Asthma of stone workers.
9) Chronic cystitis.
10) Stony hard tumors in abdomen.
11) Hydrocele
12) For Cancer, after Kali Sulph & Natrum Mur have been
13) Hip-joint disease.
14) Anal fistula, fissure in anus, boils, carbuncles, cataract, styes,
whitlows, and abscesses.
15) Varicose veins, piles; in alternation with Calcarea Fluor.
16) Diseases of the nails (brittle nails, ingrowing nails, ribbed nails) and
17) Ulceration and necrosis of bones.
18) Nipples crack and ulcerate; child refuses milk or vomits as soon as
19) Urine loaded with pus and mucus.
20) Toothache, very violent at night, when neither heat nor cold gives
21) Tonic spasm of the hand when writing; painful tonic spasm in the
feet and toes during a long walk.
22) It promotes cartilage regeneration.
23) It improves skin and de-acidifies the connective tissues.
24) Nodes on scrotum in tertiary syphilis.
Modalities: Ailments worse from cold, in the evening, at night, and fromnoise or movement and during new/full moon, better from warmth and
wrapping up.


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