Cholera:(Biochemic medicine)


(Highly infectious intestinal disease characterized by bilious vomiting, diarrhea, sudden loss of fluid,
scanty urine, weak pulse and drastic fall of blood pressure, abdominal pains and cramps. The
discharge from the bowels resembles rice-water. The patient should be urged to drink hot water as
much as possible conveniently. A half teaspoonful of salt should be added to each quart of water.)
2. Cuprum Met 6x or 12x: The tongue of the patient protrudes and retracts like that of a
snake. Nausea is greater than in any other remedy. Summer causes cholera with
cyanosis, severe colic, spasms and cramps in abdomen, also in calves, and soles.
Vomiting is relieved by drinking cold water. First few doses may be given half
3. Arsenic Alb 12x: It is a very good remedy for cholera, which is caused by
consumption of decayed food, spoiled meat. It may be due to injurious effects of
watery fruits. Intense agony, prostration, and burning thirst characterize cholera.
Mentally restless, physically too weak to move. Great thirst for cold water, drinks
often but little at a time; burning pains; the affected parts burn like coals of fire; body
cold as ice; craves milk, coffee, acids. Symptoms generally worse 1-2 p.m., 12-2
a.m. Three doses half hourly may be good enough.
4. Kali Phos 6x: It is a specific Biochemic medicine against cholera. Dr Schussler
himself has cited a case of an old person who was attacked by severe vomiting and
diarrhoea, accompanied by exceedingly painful cramps in calves, low pulse and
rice-water discharges. Kali Phos cured. Four or five doses consisting of 5 grains
may be given every 5/10 minute in hot water, as may be required.
5. Cholera Infantum frequently appears among teething children in summer, due to
deficiency of Calcarea Phos which may be given in 6
trituration, 2 tablets thrice a
day in hot water. If febrile symptoms appear, it may be alternated with Ferrum Phos
6x. During attack the child should not have any milk; food also should be as less as
possible. As soon as it recovers, barley water with a little cream and warm water
are recommended.
6. Natrum Sulph 3x acts as a preventive of cholera as it regulates the water in the blood
and should be taken in hot water. A deficiency of sodium chloride leads to cholera.
So Natrum Mur 3x may also be needed.
7. Cuprum Acet 3x: In case any person in the family or nearby is already suffering from
cholera, the other members should take one dose in the morning, the other dose in the
evening daily for 5 days for prevention of the disease.


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