Chorea (St. Vitus’ dance)

Chorea (St. Vitus’ dance)

(Involuntary twitching, contortions & movements of the muscles of face and other limbs; It usually
occurs in children, especially girls due to deficiency of the cell-salt, Mag Phos.)
Signs & Symptoms:
a) Involuntary movements cause the child to drop things and make faces.
b) Chorea often affects one side of the body.
c) Weakness of the affected side is extreme
d) A rapid protrusion and withdrawal of the tongue may occur.
1) Mag Phos: It is the chief remedy. For your precise appraisal, we cite
hereby three case records:
i) “Face and upper part of body affected; lateral and
downward jerking of the mouth, snapping of eyelids, sudden forward
motion of head, and other irregular movements. Better during sleep,
aggravated at stool and by emotions, Ignatia failed. Mag Phos 6x, for
three months, produced gratifying results, but did not fully cure.
Acting on Dr Schussler’s advice, Calcarea Phos. 6x was given
alternately with Magnesia Phos; the former once daily, the latter
twice. In one month the child was cured.” (D.B. Whitter, M.D.)
ii) “The patient talking to herself constantly, or sitting still in
moody silence, or carrying things from one place to another and then
back again. Magnesia Phos 12x cured.”
iii) “A girl of 6 years was admitted to the London Homoeopathic
Hospital… she had suffered from well-marked chorea during the
preceding eight months…On admission she twitched all over during
her waking hours, but was quite during sleep. She walked fairly well
and could feed herself, but her speech was exceedingly defective…Magnesia Phos was prescribed-two grains of the sixth trituration,
three times daily. The improvement which followed was slow, but
abundantly manifest.”
2) Cuprum Met 12x: It may be given three times daily for a week. It is
curative in jerking & twitching of muscles; cramps in palms, calves and soles;
tonic spasms. The pains increase by touch and movement, better by drinking
cold milk

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