Corns(Biochemic medicine)


(Small hard growth on toe or foot, painful or painless)
1) Antimonium Crudum 6x or 12x: Inflamed large horny corns on soles of feet; pain in
heels; feet very tender; tongue coated thick white as if whitewashed; no thirst; headache with
great loss of hair; amelioration after warm bath; to be given four times daily for one month.
2) Calcarea Fluorica 12x: In case corns are very hard, and painful, let it be taken 4 hourly;
follows Antim Crudum very well.
3) Kali Mur 6x and Silicea 6x: For sore soft inflamed corns, which form repeatedly, both
remedies should be taken three times daily. In corns if the pain is stabbing, stinging,
lancinating, and there is itching also, Mag Phos 6x is needed in hot water thrice daily.

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